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研究生(外文):Tsai Yueh-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):A Study On Servo Design For Optical Disk Drive Dual Actuator
指導教授(外文):Yen Jia-Yush
外文關鍵詞:CD-ROMoptical diskdual actuato
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Track-accessing problem in the optical disk drive presents several problems. The most obvious problem is the fact that optical disk drive uses dual actuator to achieve both high resolution and large working range. The limited fine stroke makes it very difficult to solve for the track accessing control problem. In addition, the fact that removable media often encounters very large runout also causes difficulties in the track-accessing servo. In thesis, the dual actuator track accessing servo design procedure is presented. A novel control strategy is proposed to overcome the track runout problem. Experimental results show that the proposed method results in better track settling properties if used with proper conjunction to the track-following servo.
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
1-1 研究動機……………………………………………………1
1-2 文獻回顧……………………………………………………2
1-3 論文內容……………………………………………………3
第二章 光碟機系統簡介………………………………………………4
2-1 光碟規格演進………………………………………………4
2-2 光碟機之硬體架構…………………………………………6
2-2-1 電路板部份…………………………………………….6
2-2-2 機構部份……………………………………………….6
2-3 光碟機的伺服系統…………………………………………7
2-3-1 聚焦伺服系統………………………………………….8
2-3-2 尋軌伺服系統………………………………………….8
2-3-3 跨軌伺服系統………………………………………...10
2-3-4 其他伺服系統………………………………………...11
2-4 光碟機的跨軌原理………………………………………..11
2-4-1 跨軌機構……………………………………………...11
2-4-2 跨軌模式……………………………………………...12
2-4-3 跨軌訊號分析……………………………………...…14
第三章 系統實驗架構………………………………………………..17
3-1 實驗軟硬體描述…………………………………………..17
3-1-1 8051模擬器…………………………………………...17
3-1-2 個人電腦……………………………………………...18
3-1-3 AT-MIO-16E-10………………………………………19
3-1-4 PCI7200……………………………………………….19
3-2 跨軌軌數計算器設計……………………………………..20
3-3 跨軌實驗流程……………………………………………..24
第四章 複式制動器之模型推導……………………………………..26
4-1 粗制動器模型推導………………………………………..27
4-1-1 粗制動器模型建立…………………………………...27
4-1-2 粗制動器模型參數識別……………………………...29
4-2 微制動器模型推導………………………………………..33
4-2-1 微制動器模型建立…………………………………...33
4-2-2 微制動器模型參數推導……………………………...33
4-3 複式制動器模型建立……………………………………..38
4-3-1 雙制動器模型建立…………………………………...38
4-3-2 雙制動器動態特性分析……………………………...41
第五章 跨軌控制器與觀察器設計…………………………………..43
5-1 時間最佳化跨軌…………………………………………..43
5-1-1 最佳時間控制理論回顧……………………………...43
5-1-1-1 最佳控制法……………………………………..43
5-1-1-2 最佳時間控制法………………………………..47
5-1-2 時間最佳化跨軌……………………………………...50
5-2 跨軌控制器設計…………………………………………..52
5-2-1 速度曲線規劃…………………………………………52
5-2-2 速度迴路設計………………………………………...53
5-3 狀態估測器設計…………………………………………..56
5-4 控制架構整理……………………………………………..63
第六章 實驗結果討論………………………………………………..66
6-1 實驗參數設定……………………………………………..66
6-2 跨軌曲線修正……………………………………………..66
6-2-1 原始曲線控制………………………………………...66
6-2-2 Runout現象觀察……………………………………..72
6-2-3 原始曲線修正………………………………………...79
6-3 實驗結果與討論…………………………………………..80
第七章 結論…………………………………………………………111
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………………113
【1】 Heitaro Nakajima , Hiroshi Ogawa , Compact Disc Technology, IOS Press,1992.
【2】 J.McCormick and R.Horowitz , “Time Optimal Seek Trajectories for a Dual Stage Optical Disk Drive Actuator” , Transactions of ASME , Vol. 113,Sep.1991,pp.534-536.
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【7】 Jian-Dong Yang, Long-Fa Pan, Xian-Deng Pan, Chang-Sheng Xie, Xiang-Ying Cao, Duan-Yi Xu, “Time Optimal Seek Control for a Coupled Dual Stage Disk Drive Actuator”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.33, No.5, Sep, 1997, pp.2629-2631
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【16】 Specifications of Pick-Up Head-type : CD-Z2LH18C Model : W/Hop-Z2LA, Hitachi Media Electronics Co., Ltd.
【17】 CD-ROM Digital Data/Servo Processor: MT1115A, Version 1.0, Mediatek Inc., 1997.
【18】 Command Description : MT1115, Version 1.1, Mediatek Inc., 1997.
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