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研究生(外文):Hou. Chia-Hung
論文名稱(外文):Sludge conditioning with fly ash and polymer for dewatering characteristics and rheological properties
指導教授(外文):Li. Kung-Cheh
中文關鍵詞:飛灰高分子聚合物雙重調理毛細汲取時間比阻抗壓縮係數流變特性離心脫水機 帶濾脫水機
外文關鍵詞:Fly ashPolymerDual conditioningCapillary suction timeSpecific resistance to filtrationCoefficient of compressibilityRheologyCentrifugation Belt filter press
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Fly ash from coal-fired power plant can be used as filter aid in sludge conditioning. The scope of this research includes the dewatering characteristics and the rheological properties of conditioning sludge with fly ash / polymer.
Physical conditioning with fly ash addition can improve the dewaterability of inorganic sludge, but there is no profound influence on activated sludge. The effect of dual conditioning with fly ash and polymer comparing to chemical conditioning with polymer is investigated. According to the experiment with centrifugation and belt filter press, dual conditioning for inorganic sludge can reduce the dosage of polymer, improve the dewaterability, and produce higher cake solid concentration. However, when comparing dual conditioning to chemical conditioning, there is no significant effect in activated sludge dewatering, and cake solid concentration just increases as adding fly ash. Capillary suction time (CST) and specific resistance to filtration (SRF) are better criteria for optimal dosage of polymer in dewatering process of centrifugation. However, dosage of polymer is usually insufficient in dewatering process of belt filter press when using CST, SRF, and coefficient of compressibility as operational parameters.
In the measurement of the rheological behaviors of sludge, optimal fly ash addition can reduce yield stress, apparent viscosity of inorganic sludge and improve the dewatering characteristic. However, the behavior is not observed in activated sludge conditioning with fly ash addition. As addition of polymer for chemical conditioning or dual conditioning, the relationship between shear rate and shear stress of inorganic sludge varies from straight line to curve with an obvious peak by flocculating the small particles into large and stronger aggregates, but this relationship of activated sludge remains linear. Furthermore, when sludge is treated by chemical or dual conditioning process, the increase of yield stress and apparent viscosity in underdosing is attributed to the floc volume and floc strength, and the increase in overdosing is due to the polymer residual in the water. According to the result, the turning point of different increasing rate could be used as operational criterion for optimal dosage of polymer.

第一章 前言
1.1 研究動機與目的
1.2 研究項目
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 污泥來源與基本特性
2.1.1 污泥來源
2.1.2 污泥中水份對污泥脫水之影響
2.1.3 污泥粒徑分佈對污泥脫水之影響
2.2.1 調理之機制
2.2.2 陽離子高分子聚合物
2.3 添加飛灰助濾
2.4 流變學於污泥管理上之應用
2.4.1 污泥的流變特性
2.4.2 利用污泥流變特性評估最適加藥量
2.5 污泥脫水特性因子
2.5.1 比阻抗
2.5.2 毛細汲取時間
2.5.3 壓縮係數
2.6 污泥機械脫水
2.6.1 污泥脫水的目的
2.6.2 壓濾脫水機
2.6.3 離心脫水機
2.6.4 帶濾脫水機
第三章 實驗設備與方法
3.1 實驗材料
3.1.1 污泥
3.1.2 陽離子高分子聚合物
3.1.3 飛灰
3.2 實驗流程與內容
3.2.1 實驗流程
3.2.2 實驗內容
3.3 實驗設備與步驟
3.3.1 污泥調理方法
3.3.2 毛細汲取時間試驗
3.3.3 布氏漏斗試驗
3.3.4 污泥流變特性試驗
3.3.5 離心脫水試驗
3.3.6 帶濾脫水試驗
第四章 結果與討論
4.2.2 添加飛灰助濾之時機
4.2.3 化學調理及雙重調理對脫水因子之影響
4.2.4 以脫水特性因子評估調理之效應
4.3 污泥流變特性
4.3.1 物理調理對流變特性之影響
4.3.2 化學調理及雙重調理對流變特性之影響
4.4 污泥脫水試驗
4.4.1 離心脫水試驗
4.4.2 帶濾脫水試驗
4.4.3 調理對污泥脫水之影響
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論
5.2 建議
附錄 實驗數據

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