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研究生(外文):mark chang
外文關鍵詞:TrajectoryLagrangianozone episodesprecursors reduction simulationmodify point sources treatment
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根據研究結果,反應性軌跡模式在特性測試與點源排放分離處理後,就1996年10月與11月兩個事件日案例模擬結果,模式採用200公尺平均風場推動軌跡、氣柱底面積為1km×1km、點源排放進行分離處理與軌跡起始時間回溯至24-36小時前之基本假設下,臭氧模擬值與測值之總平均誤差(Gross error)為29.9%,進一步對模式驗證的結果,模式對CO、NMHC、O3與NOx等物種模擬值與測值時間序列比對可有效掌握到污染傳輸的趨勢。
就污染前趨物的來源區域分析,本研究將事件日案例軌跡類型分為海風型、季風型與緩慢季風型三型,其中海風型案例,污染源主要來自台南市與嘉義市邊緣,季風型案例污染源來自嘉義市區與高雄市東北方,緩慢季風型案例污染源來自軌跡滯留區域(台南市區與高雄市區),就排放量貢獻而言,對於NOx貢獻海風型與季風型案例以線源(台南市、高雄市區道路與國道、台南濱海省道)為主,緩慢季風型案例以線源與點源(高雄市邊緣工業區:大社、仁武、小港、林園)為主,NMHC則都以面源為主要貢獻。 就案例模擬後排放量在各排放類型貢獻量統計結果,NOx貢獻來源平均線、點、面源分別為65.8%、17.7%、16.5%,NMHC貢獻來源平均面、線、生物源分別為74.5%、13.6%、11.9﹪。
In this research, we develop a mutilayer trajectory photochemical model (TPM) base on the concept of one-dimension lagrangian model 。At first,some effort has been devoted to some model assumption tests and the point source treatment modification by embeding a puff — air colume sepreate system ,Afterward we used the trajectory photochemical model to study the ozone episodes in Southen Taiwan area 。Besides to point out the most possible precursor area,we also do case simulation and precursor reduction simuation to understand the model performance,finally we summarize a appropriate emission control strategy suggestion。
The result of case simulation indicate that model bases on the assumption of adapting 200m ground above height average wind field data;air colume base area dimension set to 1km;trace back the back tracjectory for 24-36 hours before and embed a modify point source treatment.module,the ozone mean absolute normalized gross error at the ozone episodes in Southen Taiwan area between the model predictions and observations value is 29.9%。The ablity of traceing the pollutant’s transport process also has been verified by time series comparisons of multispecies。
The results of the air mass trajectory analysis, we put trajectory type of ozone episodes to three type:Sea breeze type、Seasional wind type and Slow seasional wind type。at the case of sea breeze type the precursors are majorly from the edage of Tainan city and Chiayi city;at the case of seasional wind type the precursors are majorly from The Chiayi city and north-east of Kaoshinng city;at the case of seasional wind type the precursors are majorly from the air colume area,As to the contribution of NOx emission:the trjectory type of sea breeze type and seasional wind type are majorly from the mobile sources;the slow seasional wind type cases are majorly from the mobile sources and point sources (the neighboring industial parks in Kaoshinng city:Hsiao-GAng、Lin-Yuan ),the contribution of NMHC emission is majorly from area sources 。 after statistical procedures of case study,the NOx contribute rate of mobiles sources、 point sources and area sources is 65.8%、17.7%、16.5%;the NMHC contribute rate of area sources、mobile sources and biogenic sources is 74.5%、13.6%、11.9% 。
In the conclusion of the precursor redution assessment,we suggest to control the NOx contribution that emit from the urban road、coastal highway and freeway of the Tainan city and the NMHC fugitive from area source in Kaoshinng industial park leds to ozone depletion 。
第一章 前言
1-1 研究緣起 1-1
1-2 研究目的 1-2
第二章 文獻回顧與理論基礎
2-1 光化學煙霧形成機制 2-1
2-2 光化學空氣品質模式 2-2
2-3 朗格日模式理論基礎 2-6
2-4 物理程序 2-6
2-4-1 風場分析 2-7
2-4-2 反軌跡分析 2-8
2-4-3 氣象紊流擴散參數分析 2-9
2-4-3-1 穩定度分類 2-9
2-4-3-2 莫寧荷夫尺度 2-9
2-4-3-3 摩擦風速 2-10
2-4-4 垂直擴散係數 2-11
2-4-5 混合層高度處理 2-12
2-4-6 初始及邊界條件 2-13
2-5 化學程序 2-14
2-5-1 化學反應機制 2-14
2-5-2 物種配比方法 2-16
2-5-3 光解速率常數 2-17
2-5-4 水汽濃度計算 2-19
2-6 數值解法 2-20
2-7 點源特殊處理 2-24
第三章 研究方法與模式設計
3-1 研究架構與流程 3-1
3-2 研究資料 3-4
3-3 模式架構與設計 3-7
3-3-1 模式基本理論與假設 3-7
3-3-2 氣象模組 3-9
3-3-2-1 風場分析 3-9
3-3-2-2 反軌跡分析 3-10
3-3-2-3 混合層高度分析 3-11
3-3-2-4 氣象紊流擴散參數分析 3-11
3-3-2-5 其他氣象參數處理 3-12
3-3-3 排放檔模組 3-12
3-3-4 擴散及反應計算模組 3-14
3-3-4-1 資料輸入 3-14
3-3-4-2 點源特殊處理 3-15
3-3-4-3 垂直擴散係數計算 3-20
3-3-4-4 垂直擴散之數值計算 3-20
3-3-4-5 化學反應計算 3-22
3-3-5 輸出輸入控制模組 3-22
3-3-6 模式其他相關設定 3-23
3-3-6-1 污染物初始濃度設定 3-23
3-3-6-2 計算之時間步階 3-24
第四章 研究結果
4-1 模式執行特性測試與驗證 4-1
4-1-1 不同軌跡起始時間測試 4-3
4-1-2 點源特殊處理測試 4-4
4-1-3 不同推動氣柱層平均風場測試 4-8
4-1-4 不同氣柱底面積測試 4-9
4-1-5 平均軌跡線與調整排放檔測試 4-10
4-1-6 模式驗證 4-11
4-2 分析污染事件日之污染源與受體之因果關係 4-14
4-2-1 軌跡線分類分析事件日污染前趨物來源 4-14
4-2-2 軌跡逐時排放吸納污染來源分析 4-16
4-2-3 案例排放量累積在各排放類型貢獻 4-17
4-3 減量評估 4-19
4-3-1 85基準年NOx與NMHC總量減量模擬 4-19
4-3-2 分析管制方案影響區域與影響程度 4-19
第五章 結論與建議 5-1
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