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研究生(外文):chang jen-chauch
論文名稱(外文):A survey of owned and stray dog population in taiwan
指導教授(外文):andrew fei
外文關鍵詞:owned dogstray dogdog population
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流浪動物管理是地方政府的重要施政項目。為了擬定適當的施政計畫,各縣市家犬及流浪犬數目是重要依據。美國之施政數據顯示寵物登記數目越多,走失寵物尋獲的比率越高,流浪動物的數目也就越少。縣市寵物登記所需的狗牌數量、鼓勵結紮配合款的額度、動物收容所數量的估計、安樂死藥品與人力的估算等,都需要有家犬及流浪犬數目。本實驗在流浪狗調查方面:採用世界衛生組織(WHO)發行之狗口族群管理指南(guide for dog population management)所推薦之野犬數目調查方法。先選定地理上較為獨立的地區,沿各巷道遇有野犬出現即拍照,共進行五日。利用迴歸分析法,比較當日拍照捕捉數與前一日拍照捕捉數,可知每日捕捉下降百分率,利用外插法求得捕捉數為零時之野犬數目,因此算出該地區之犬數。在抽樣的鄉鎮區上,用「分層逢機採樣法」。將全國369個鄉鎮市區依照行政院主計處公佈的都市化程度表分成七級,以亂數抽出要調查的鄉鎮市區。根據一般慣例全國369個地區實地調查必須至少調查到30個鄉鎮市區,本計畫抽樣56個鄉鎮市區。在家犬調查方面:用電話問卷的方式收集數據,全國有效之電話問卷共做10,913份。以抽樣群體與母群體最大比率(P)=0.5計算、抽樣水準(CL)=95%、抽樣誤差在正負2.5%之內、抽樣母體為台灣地區各縣、市、或直轄市的住宅電話簿、抽樣方法是分層逢機抽樣法。結果調查得到估計值為全國流浪犬66萬6594隻,家犬210萬1492隻。
Dog population control program is an important administration policy in local governments in Taiwan. To make an appropriate and correct control program, we have to know the owned and stray dog populations. According to an American government’s report, the more dog registration rate the better dog population control program done. Besides, we need to know dog population to manage dog licenses, duties, animal shelters, euthanasia drugs and manpower. In stray dogs, WHO (World Health Organization) published a publication “Guide for Dog Population Management”. We chose an isolated region and took pictures for every new dog shown in this region everyday, for a period of five days. We computed the stray dog population with regression analysis model. Government divided 359 regions into 7 levels, and we use stratified random sampling to choice 56 regions to investigative in Taiwan. In owned dogs, we collected data by means of telephone questionnaires. There are total 10,913 questionnaires collected. P (probability) = 0.5, CL (confidence level) = 95%, Sampling error = ±2.5%. Sampling parameter is resident telephone directories in our country. Sampling way is by stratified random sampling. We estimate that there are 666,594 stray dogs and 2101,492 owned dogs in Taiwan.
目 錄
一、 緒言-------------------------------------------------------1
二、 文獻探討--------------------------------------------------2
1. 安樂死--------------------------------------------------------4
2. 犬群數量計數方法----------------------------------------------8
3. 犬群動力學---------------------------------------------------11
4. 犬群數量控制計畫---------------------------------------------15
5. 結語---------------------------------------------------------20
三、 材料與方法---------------------------------------------- 21
1、 流浪犬調查法------------------------------------------ 24
2、 家犬調查法-------------------------------------------- 26
四、 結果---------------------------------------------------- 29
1、全國犬數---------------------------------------------- 31
2、全國流浪犬計數值-------------------------------------- 32
3、全國家犬計數值---------------------------------------- 35
五、 討論----------------------------------------------------49
六、 結論--------------------------------------------------53
七、 參考文獻-------------------------------------------------54
八、 附錄------------------------------------------附錄1
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