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研究生(外文):Tseng Hsun-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Study on Metabolism of Territrem A by Human Liver Microsomes and Human Cytochrome P450 3A4 expressed in V79 Chinese Hamster cells
指導教授(外文):Peng Fu-Chuo
中文關鍵詞:土震素A土麴菌23-1細胞色素P450 3A4中國倉鼠肺臟纖維母細胞人肝臟微粒體
外文關鍵詞:territrem ATRAAspergillus terreus 23-1CYP3A4Chinese hamster lung fibroblastV79human liver microsomes
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摘 要
土震素A ( territrem A; TRA ) 為Aspergillus terreus 23-1菌株經米培養,以氯仿萃取分離的震顫性黴菌毒素之一。本實驗室在先前的研究指出土震素A在成熟大鼠以phenobarbital或dexamethasone前處理,其雄性之肝臟微粒體有三種代謝物產生,即MA1、 MAX與MA2,而雌性大鼠肝臟微粒體土震素A的代謝則僅能產生MA1,而無法產生MAX及MA2,並且在化學與免疫抑制研究推論,CYP3A1/2為主要參與土震素A代謝的P450酵素。
由於土震素A早期是在台灣穀倉黴米中被篩選出的黴菌Aspergillus terreus 23-1菌株在米培養產生的毒素,故土震素A在人肝臟微粒體中的生化轉變過程是本實驗欲探討的重點,其代謝情形是否如同本實驗室先前的研究是具有性別差異?肝臟細胞色素P450 3A次家族參與性如何?因此我們採用人肝臟微粒體及以基因工程轉殖並會表現人類細胞色素P450 3A4的中國倉鼠肺臟纖維母細胞( Chinese hamster lung fibroblast ) V79衍生的V79MZh3A4細胞株,作為探討其對於土震素A代謝研究的體外生物模式。
研究結果指出 (1) 四個人肝臟微粒體主要表現testosterone 6 -hydroxylase的活性,(2) V79MZh3A4細胞株也有testosterone 6 - hydroxylase的活性,而V79MZ細胞株則偵測不到此酵素活性, (3) 由免疫染色分析結果可知人肝臟微粒體及V79MZh3A4細胞株均有CYP3A4蛋白表現,(4) 在以土震素A為受質的人肝臟微粒體代謝研究發現,不論男性或女性肝臟微粒體均能產生MA1與微量MAX,在性別上無差異性,而在活細胞V79MZh3A4中僅能產生代謝物MA1,(5) 在V79MZh3A4細胞之酵素動力學研究中,由代謝物MA1之Vmax / Km值得知其對於土震素A有很好的代謝潛力,(6) CYP3A4的化學抑制劑ketoconazole研究分析,人肝臟微粒體中testosterone 6-hydroxylase的活性會受到抑制,同時土震素A之代謝物MA1亦會受抑制。綜合以上研究結果,推測土震素A的代謝過程中,CYP3A4只參與在土震素A至MA1的代謝步驟。

Territrem A (TRA) is a tremogenic mycotoxin isolated from the chloroform extracts of the sub-merged rice culture of Aspergillus terreus 23-1. The previous studies indicated that three metabolites, designated as MA1, MAX and MA2, were obtained when TRA was the substrate in liver microsomes of adult male Wistar rats which was pretreated with phenobarbital or dexamethasone. However, only MA1 was formed from TRA in liver microsomes of female rats. From chemical and immuno inhibition studies, we had suggested that CYP3A1/2 mainly involved in TRA metabolism.
In the present study, I investigate the territrem A metabolism in human liver microsomes and in V79 Chinese Hamster cells, designed as V79MZh3A4, in which human cytochrome P450 3A4 were expressed. The aims of this study were to elucidate the questions as following: (1) TRA metabolism in different species. (2) TRA metabolism in sex difference of human. (3) Role of CYP3A4 in TRA metabolism.
From the studies, I have obtained the following results. (1) Both human livers and V79MZh3A4 cells could express the activities of testosterone 6hydroxylase. Otherwise, the testosterone 6hydroxylase was not being determined in V79MZ cells. (2) Inmmunobloting assay showed that CYP3A4 protein was detected in human liver microsomes and V79MZh3A4 cells, but not in V79MZ cells. (3) When TRA was used as the substrate, MA1 and trace amount MAX were formed in male and female human liver microsomes. (4) Furthermore the results obtained was using live V79MZh3A4 cells showed only MA1 was found. When MA1 was used as the substrate in the same experimental condition, no metabolites were found. (5) In enzyme kinetics study, I found that V79MZh3A4 cells could metabolize TRA judged from the value of Vmax / Km of MA1 calculatedly activity. (6) The specific cytochrome P450 inhibitor of CYP3A4, such as ketoconazole, inhibited the activities of testosterone 6 - hydroxylase as well as MA1 in human liver microsomes was increased of dose of inhibition. Therefore, it is suggested that CYP3A4 has a major role in metabolic pathway from TRA to MA 1.

目 錄
中文摘要………………………………………………… I
第一章 緒言……………………………………………… 1
第二章 實驗材料與方法…………………………………10
第三章 實驗結果…………………………………………29
第四章 討論………………………………………………43
第五章 參考文獻…………………………………………53
附表……………………………………………………… 63
附圖……………………………………………………… 67

第五章 參考文獻
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