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論文名稱(外文):Chromosome-wide Transmission/Disequilibrium Test in Recently Admixed Populations
中文關鍵詞:genomewide scan
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Objectives: We develop a new method for initial genomewide scan in recently admixed populations. This new method can identify the candidate chromosome that encompasses a disease-susceptibility gene. We refer to this new method as "chromosome-wide transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT-WC)".
Methods: The "TDTWC" performs a simultaneous transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT) for the multiple makers at the same chromosome. This new method obviates the need for multiple-testing correction. The information of these markers was integrated by our a priori knowledge about the differences in the marker allele frequencies between the founding populations. Computer simulation was performed to study the statistical properties of the new method.
Results: The simulation shows that TDTCW is more powerful then conventional multiple-markers TDT with Bonferroni correction both in the second and in the third generations of the admixed population. Even if there are some inaccuracy in our a priori knowledge, the new method is still more powerful and the typeⅠerror is not inflatted.
Conclusions: This new method is powerful and its ascertainment scheme is simple and easy to achieve .The accuracy of the a priori knowledge is not crucial.The TDTCW is a promising alternative for initial genomewide scan in recently admixed populations.

一、 前言 1
二、 資料型態 4
三、 全染色體傳遞不平衡檢定 7
A. 檢定方法 7
B. 係數決定 9
C. 全基因體掃描 14
四、 電腦模擬 15
A. 方法 15
B. 結果 19
五、 討論 23
六、 參考文獻 27
附錄 31

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