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研究生(外文):Ming-Che Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of the Nd:YAG laser removing the smear layer in the root canal
指導教授(外文):Wan-Hong LanChun-Pin Lin
外文關鍵詞:Nd:YAG lasersmear layerscanning electron microscoperoot canal
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The success of endodontic treatment depended on the root canal system being thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Studies had shown that endodontic instruments produce organic and mineral debris called the smear layer. Gutterrez et al. have postulated that the removal of the smear layer facilitates the penetration of the plastic base root canal cement materials to obtain a more hermetic seal when the root canal is obturated12. Nd:YAG laser had been shown to have sealing effect on dentinal tubules and removing effect on smear layer. However, limited information has been reported about the factors affecting the morphologic changes of canal wall dentin following Nd:YAG laser irradiation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Nd:YAG laser irradiation in removing debris and smear layer from prepared root canal walls.
Seventy human extracted teeth with a single-canal root canal were used for study. The teeth were opened and prepared from #15 to #55 K-type file. Copious irrigation with distill water was performed between each file. After preparation of the teeth, the crowns were removed at the CEJ, and were bisected. The specimens were divided into fourteen groups. The control specimens that were not lased, and the teeth of group A to group M were irradiated by Nd:YAG laser at different powers. The specimens were examined under Stereoscope and scanning electron microscope.
In the control group, the canals were covered by an amorphous smear layer on the surface of the canal wall. The root canal walls irradiated by Nd:YAG laser were free of debris, with an evaporated smear layer and open dentinal tubules.These results show Nd;YAG laser is effective in removing debris and smear layer from root canal walls. The energy combination ( 150mJ/pulse, 10pps, 1min ) has the better effects on melting the root canal wall surface and removing the smear layer.
It is concluded that a proper irradiation condition would enhance the removed area of smear layer, result in melting and resolidification of the dentin, and seal the orifices of dentinal tubules. When Nd:YAG laser is used in endodontics, the followings are our recommendations: (1)Keep the canal wall as dry as possible before lasing and always check the fiberoptic tip before lasing, (2)In order to increase the lasing effects under the same energy output, it is better to adopt high power and short irradiation time.
第一章 緒言……………………………………………1
第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………3
2-1 塗抹層的性質…………………………………3
2-2 雷射機器的原理………………………………5
2-3 雷射的醫療原理………………………………6
2-4 牙科方面雷射的應用…………………………7
2-5 雷射在根管治療方面的應用…………………9
2-6 動機和目的………………………………….11
第三章 材料和方法………………………………….12
3-1 雷射機器…………………………………….12
3-2 條件設定…………………………………….12
3-3 牙齒的保存………………………………….13
3-4 牙根的選擇………………………………….13
3-5 實驗方法…………………………………….14
3-6 實驗結果的記錄…………………………….18
第四章 結果………………………………………….21
4-1 光學影像的記錄…………………………….21
4-2 電子顯微鏡的觀察………………………….22
4-3 實驗各組去除塗抹層的定量分析………….29
第五章 討論………………………………………….31
5-1 實驗設計的探討…………………………….31
5-2 未照雷射組別的探討……………………….35
5-3 不同能量的Nd:YAG雷射對根管壁作用機制
5-4 雷射照射後的牙本質形態變化…………….38
第六章 結論………………………………………….40
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41. 鄭方元:雷射應用於根管治療時牙根表面的升溫變化及根管壁
42. 連新傑:冷卻系統作用在二氧化碳雷射照射之牙釉質的效果。
43. 吳秉翰:根管壁牙本質經銣釔鋁石榴石雷射作用後之形態分析。
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