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論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Process Maintenance and Product Inspections on the EMQ Model
外文關鍵詞:inventorydeteriorating production systemsinspection
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We study the Economical Manufacturing Quantity ( EMQ )
problem in the presence of an imperfect process. When the production process goes out of control, the production process produces some proportion of defective items. Thus, lot sizing and periodic inspection of the process are needed to operate the system economically. Performing a Preventive maintenance (PM) action immediately after inspection and possible adjustment of the production process will be helpful to enhance the process reliability of a deteriorating production system; thus, an EMQ model for production/PM was proposed in the literature. However, it is not easy to derive the optimal lot sizing and inspection/PM policy simultaneously. Therefore, a two-dimensional search procedure is needed to find the optimal production/PM scheme. Thus, we study the structural properties of the production/PM problem and show the uniqueness of the optimal inspection interval for a given number of inspections in a production run. To solve the production/PM problem, we provide lower and upper bounds for the optimal inspection interval when the number of inspections (PMs) is given during a production run and use them to reduce the search ranges in a numerical solution procedure. Also, a criterion for stopping the process of searching for the optimal production/PM policy is provided.
Furthermore, we study the joint control problem of production planning and maintenance inspection scheduling under a deteriorating production system where possibility of incurring shortages is allowed. An extended maintenance inspection model for a deteriorating production system is investigated. The objective is joint determination of the lost size and the maintenance inspection schedule to minimize the long-run expected average cost per unit time. Various special cases are studied in detail. A numerical example is given to illustrate the use of the method.
Previous studies have been based on the assumption that the restoration time of the process is negligible during a production run. However, there are many production processes where it is either impossible or expensive to interrupt the production process during a production run, or where it is not possible to detect the deterioration of the process. Therefore, it becomes more important to find a method for the optimization of production-inventory and product inspection policies for deteriorating production systems. Taking advantage of the nature of a deteriorating production system, a strategy would be not to inspect the first $S$ items of the batch. Therefore, an inspection policy which disregards the first (DTF- ) items of the batch is proposed. Under the DTF- policy, we do not inspect the first $S$ produced items but inspect only those items from the th till the end of the production run. The objective of this study was the joint determination of the production lot size and the inspection policy $S$, resulting in a minimization of the expected average cost per unit time. Based on this model, the underlying conditions necessary for the existence of an optimal policy are given. Two commonly used inspection strategies, no inspection and full inspection are discussed. Under both inspection strategies, an optimal production-inventory lot is bounded above by the traditional economic quantity. The case of full inspection is shown to be an extension of previously reported results. The option of investing in the process of quality improvement is also discussed. Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the method and its advantages in the conclusion.
List of tables
List of figures
List of notations
1 Introductionn
1.1 Background
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Scope and purpose
2 An Optimal Production/Preventive Maintenance(PM) Policy
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Mathematical model
2.3 Properties of the production/PM policy
2.4 Numerical experiments
3 An extended Production/PM model for a deteriorating productionsystem
3.1 Mathematical formulation
3.2 The optimal production/PM policy
3.3 Special cases
3.4 Numerical examples
4 The optimal production-inventory and product inspection policies
4.1 Problem formulation
4.1.1 Disregard the First S policy(DTF-S)
4.1.2 The cost function
4.2 The optimal Production/Inventory/Inspection policy(N*,S*)
4.3 Special cases
4.4 Process quality improvement policy
4.5 Numerical examples
5 Conclusions
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