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研究生(外文):SHR-PING LIN
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Bleaching of Sesame Oil with Activated Rice Hull Ash
指導教授(外文):CHUN-I LIN
外文關鍵詞:Acid ActivationBleachingRice Hull AshSesame Oil
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Bleaching of sesame oil with acid activated rice hull ash was investigated. Lovibond color indices of sesame oils before and after bleaching with the activated ash were determined to calculate the bleaching efficiency of the ash. The effects of the conditions of acid activation and the conditions of bleaching were studied. The conditions of acid activation studied were: ratio of rice hull ash/acid, activation temperature, agitation speed of activation and pH value of rice hull ash. The conditions of bleaching studied were: ratio of rice hull ash/sesame oil, bleaching temperature, agitation speed of bleaching and bleaching time.
The study was divided into two parts. The first part was one factorial experiment and the other part was the method of experimental design.
Experimental results of the first part indicated that ratio of rice hull ash/acid, agitation speed of activation and pH value of ash almost have no effect on the bleaching efficiency. Increase of activation temperature increases bleaching ability of the ash when the temperatures are low. The influence becomes insignificant when it is over 30℃. Increase of the ratio of rice hull ash/acid increases the bleaching efficiency. Increasing bleaching temperature may also promote bleaching efficiency. However, the bleaching efficiency decreases, when the temperature is over 120℃. Agitation speed of bleaching may increase the bleaching efficiency, however, the effect is insignificant. No effect is found when it is over 80rpm. On the other hand, the bleaching efficiency is found to keep constant initially. When it is over 60 min, the bleaching efficiency decreases with the increase of bleaching time. Still, the effect is not important.
Planning of experimental design method was not well. Consequently, the results obtained was not perfect. However, following results were observed. Only seven factors such as ashing temperature, ashing time, concentration of activation agent, pH value of rice hull ash, ratio of rice hull ash/sesame oil and bleaching temperature should be considered in the experimental design method. The interaction between two factors shown below should be considered in the experimental design method: ashing temperature and ashing time; pH value of rice hull ash and ratio of rice hull ash/sesame oil; pH value of rice hull ash and bleaching temperature; ratio of rice hull ash/sesame oil and bleaching temperature.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
誌謝 Ⅴ
目錄 Ⅵ
圖表索引 Ⅸ
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 吸附劑的種類 3
2-2 稻殼的灰化 3
2-3 稻殼灰的活化 5
2-4 植物油的脫色 6
2-4-1 脫色劑用量 6
2-4-2 脫色溫度 7
2-4-3 脫色時間 8
2-4-4 脫色攪拌速度 8
2-5 田口式實驗計劃法 8
第三章 實驗部份 10
3-1 藥品、氣體及吸附劑 10
3-1-1 藥品 10
3-1-2 氣體 10
3-1-3 吸附劑 10
3-2 實驗儀器及設備 10
3-2-1 稻殼灰化裝置 11
3-2-2 稻殼灰活化裝置 12
3-2-3 脫色實驗裝置 12
3-2-4 油脂色澤測定儀器 15
3-2-5 表面積測定儀 16
3-2-6 X光繞射分析儀 16
3-2-7 掃描式電子顯微鏡 16
3-2-8 雷射粒徑分佈儀 16
3-3 實驗步驟 16
3-3-1 稻殼的前處理 16
3-3-2 稻殼的灰化 17
3-3-3 稻殼灰的活化 17
3-3-4 脫色實驗 17
3-3-5 色澤測定 18
3-3-6 比表面積、孔隙體積及平均孔徑之測定 19
3-3-7 X光繞射分析 19
3-3-8 掃描式電子顯微鏡分析 20
3-3-9 粒徑分佈測定 21
3-4 操作變數的範圍 21
3-4-1 單因素實驗法 21
3-4-2 田口式實驗計劃法 22
第四章 結果與討論 23
4-1 稻殼灰與活性白土的物性分析 23
4-1-1 比表面積、孔隙體積及平均孔徑 23
4-1-2 X光繞射結果 24
4-1-3 掃描式電子顯微鏡分析之結果 24
4-1-4 粒徑分佈測定之結果 24
4-2 單因素實驗法之實驗結果 29
4-2-1 稻殼灰與活化劑比值對脫色效率的影響 31
4-2-2 活化溫度對脫色效率的影響 31
4-2-3 活化攪拌速度對脫色效率的影響 34
4-2-4 稻殼灰之pH值對脫色效率的影響 34
4-2-5 稻殼灰與芝麻油比值對脫色效率的影響 37
4-2-6 脫色溫度對脫色效率的影響 37
4-2-7 脫色攪拌速度對脫色效率的影響 39
4-2-8 脫色時間對脫色效率的影響 42
4-2-9 稻殼灰與活性白土的脫色效率之比較 42
4-3 田口式實驗計劃法之實驗結果 44
4-3-1 因素之決定 44
4-3-2 直交表之決定及因素配置 44
4-3-3 實驗計劃法之實驗結果 45
4-3-4 單因素變數法與實驗計劃法之比較 62
4-3-5 實驗計劃法之修正結果 76
第五章 結論 105
第六章 建議 107
參考文獻 108
附錄 110
作者簡介 114
博碩士論文電子檔案上網授權書 115
授權書 116
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