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研究生(外文):Wei Chang Kung
論文名稱(外文):Excess Enthalpies for Binary Systems Containing 1-Octanol
外文關鍵詞:Excess Enthalpies1-OctanolIsothermal Flow Microcalorimeter
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本研究採用一套恆溫式流動微熱卡計( Isothermal Flow Microcalorimeter )進行過剩熱焓值的量測。所量測的混合物系統包括1-octanol + n-octane,+ ethylbenzene,+ anisole,+ acetophenone,+ ethyl benzoate等;操作壓力為一大氣壓,溫度為25℃。各系統之過剩熱焓最大值依序為acetophenone > anisole > ethyl benzoate > ethylbenzene > n-octane,此一順序與相異成分的偶極矩大小相符。
量測所得之過剩熱焓數據,可用Redlich-Kister半經驗式準確關聯,本研究也採用Peng-Robinson(PR)、Patel-Teja(PT)、Cubic Chain-of-Rotators(CCOR)三種狀態方程式來關聯混合熱數據。計算結果顯示祇調整一個交互作用參數時,Peng-Robinson和Patel-Teja以及CCOR狀態方程式的關聯結果均相差不大;使用兩個交互作用參數的CCOR方程式,可明顯改進計算的準確度。
An isothermol flow microcalorimeter was utilized in this study to measure the excess enthalpies for the binary systems composed of 1-octanol + n-octane, + ethylbenzene, + anisole, + acetophenone, and + ethyl benzoate. Space the experiments were made at 298.15 K and 1atm.
The magnitudes of the excess enthalpies follow the order of acetophenone > anisole > ethyl benzoate > ethylbenzene > n-octane. It is consistent with the dipole moments of the dissimilar components.
The Redlich-Kister model correlated accurately the excess enthalpies. The Peng-Robinson (PR), the Patel-Teja (PT), and the Cubic Chain-of-Rotators (CCOR) equations of state were also employed to correlate the data. The calculated results from these three EOS were comparable when one adjustable binary interaction parameter was used. The improvements were substantial when two adjustable parameters were adopted in the CCOR EOS.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
圖表索引 Ⅵ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 過剩熱焓 1
1-2 過剩熱焓量測的方法 3
1-3 過剩熱焓的計算 7
1-4 本文的重點 8
第二章 雙成分系統的過剩熱焓量測 9
2-1 實驗裝置 9
2-2 實驗原理 11
2-3 實驗步驟 11
2-4 待測系統 13
2-5 熱卡記的校正 14
2-6 過剩熱焓數據獲取 14
2-7 系統測試 16
2-8 實驗結果 17
第三章 過剩熱焓數據關聯 48
3-1 Redlich-Kister模式 48
3-2 體積立方型狀態方程式 49
3-3 混合律 51
3-4 狀態方程式的過剩熱焓計算 51
3-5 狀態方程式關聯的計算結果 60
第四章 結論與建議 70
符號說明 72
參考文獻 76
作者簡介 80
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