[1] L. R. Walker and N. Wax, “Non-uniform transmission lines and reflection coefficients,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 17, pp. 1043-1045, Dec. 1946. [2] Bolinder, F., “Fourier transforms in the theory of inhomogeneous transmission lines,” Proc. IRE, vol.38, p.1354, Nov. 1950. [3] Collin, R. E., “Theory and design of wide band multisection quarter-wave transformers,” Proc. IRE, vol. 43, pp. 179-185, Feb. 1955. [4] H. Kaufman, “Bibliography of nonuniform transmission lines,” IRE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-3, pp.218-220, Oct. 1955. [5] S.I Orlov, “Concerning the theory of nonuniform transmission lines,” J. Tech. Phys. USSR, vol. 26, p. 2361, 1956; (Transl. By American Physical Society Sov. Phys.─Tech. Phys., vol. 1 pp. 2284-2294, 1957). [6] R. W. Klopfenstein, “A transmission line taper of improved design,” Proc. IRE, 44, pp.31-35, Jan. 1956. [7] R. E. Collin, “ The optimum tapered transmission line matching section,” Proc. IRE, vol. 44, pp.539-548, April 1956. [8] Matsumaru, K., “Reflection coefficient of E-Plane tapered waveguides,” IRE Trans., vol. MTT-6, pp. 143-149, April 1958. [9] Young, L., “Tables for cascaded homogeneous quarter-wave transformers,” IRE Trans., vol. MTT-7, pp.233-237, April 1959. See also IRE Trans., vol. MTT-8, pp. 243-244, for corrections. [10] Johnson, R. C., “Design of linear double tapered in rectangular waveguides,” IRE Trans., vol. MTT-7, pp. 374-378, July 1959. [11] C. P. Womack, “The use of exponential transmission line in microwave components,” IRE Trans. vol. MTT-10, pp. 124-132, March 1962. [12] G. N. Tsandoulous, “The linearly tapered transmission line as a matching section─High and low frequency behavior,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 55, pp. 1658-1659, 1967. [13] M. A. Grossberg, “Extremely rapid computation of the Klopfenstein impedance taper,” Proc. IEEE, vol.56, pp. 1629-1630, Sept. 1968. [14] O. P. Rustogi, “Linearly tapered transmission line and its applications in microwave,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-17, pp. 166-168, Mar. 1969. [15] P. I. Somlo and D.L. Hollway, “Microwave locating reflectometer,” Elctron. Lett., vol. 5, pp.468-469, Oct. 1969. [16] J. Detlefsen, “Frequency response of input impedance implies the distribution of discontinuities of a transmission line system,” Electron. Lett., vol.6, pp.67-69, Feb. 1970. [17] R. P. Hecken, “A near-optimum matching section without discontinuities,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-20, No. 11, pp.734-739, Nov. 1972. [18] N. S. Rau and W. Janischewskyj, “A numerical method for the calculation of transients in linear and nonlinear transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. 91, pp. 2545-2553, 1972. [19] K. D. Marx, “Propagation modes, equivalent circuits, and characteristic terminations for multiconductors transmission line with inhomogeneous dielectrics,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 21, pp.450-457, July 1973. [20] D. P. Carroll and F. Nozari, “An efficient computer method for simulating transients on transmission lines with frequency dependent parameters,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol.94, pp. 1167-1176, 1975.