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研究生(外文):Ju-Jiun Shiu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Radio Resource Allocations in GSM/GPRS Environment
指導教授(外文):Jean-Lien C. Wu
外文關鍵詞:GPRSGSMcall admissionbandwidth allocationQoS
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GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)是在全球行動通訊系統(Global System for Mobile Communication; GSM)架構下所提供的一種新的數據通訊服務,它能大幅改進並簡化經由無線對於網際網路的存取方式。GPRS有效的將分封式無線(Packet Radio)的原則應用在行動台(Mobile Station)與分封資料網路(Packet Data Network)的資料傳輸當中。GPRS與GSM的語音服務共享細胞(cell)中的無線資源。對於分封交換(GPRS)與電路交換(傳統GSM)兩者間的實體頻道配置,主要是依據網路交通的負載及服務的等級來動態的配置。
在本篇論文中,我們討論在傳統GSM服務與GPRS間無線資源分配的問題。透過通話允入控制器(call admission controller)與頻寬分配控制器(bandwidth allocation controller) 可得到較佳的頻寬利用率,並且不影響傳統GSM服務及GPRS的服務品質(QoS)。我們使用固定保護頻道策略(static guard channel scheme)來給予GSM語音交遞呼叫(voice handoff calls)較高之優先權。此策略有降低頻寬利用率(bandwidth utilization)的缺點,因此我們討論暫時將這些保護頻道配置給GPRS使用者來改善這個問題。當語音的訊務量較低時,本策略之模擬結果顯示可獲得較低的新呼叫阻塞率(blocking probability)、交遞呼叫阻塞率和頻寬利用率並且不會提高GPRS連線拒絕率(connection rejection rate) 。當語音的訊務量較高時,本篇論文所提出的策略能將新呼叫阻塞率保持在目標值之下。
The General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a new bearer service for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) that can greatly improve and simplify wireless access to the Internet. In the GPRS, the packet radio principle is applied to transfer user data packets in an efficient way between mobile stations (MSs) and packet data networks. The radio resources of a cell are shared by both the GPRS and GSM voice service. The allocation of physical channels to either packet-switched (GPRS) or circuit-switched (conventional GSM) services can be performed dynamically, depending on the traffic load and the service priority.
In this thesis, we will study the design of radio resources allocation between conventional GSM services and GPRS. The call admission controller and bandwidth allocation controller are employed to obtain good bandwidth utilization without affecting the QoS of conventional GSM services and GPRS. Static guard channels are used to prioritize GSM voice handoff calls. The static guard channel scheme has the drawback of low bandwidth utilization. Temporary allocation of these guard channels to GPRS users is discussed to solve this problem.
Compared with the channel allocation model without call admission controller and bandwidth allocation controller, our simulation results show that in low voice traffic load case, the proposed scheme can achieve lower voice call blocking probability, new and handoff, and better channel utilization whereas does not increase GPRS connection rejection rate when the GPRS connection requests is low. When voice traffic load is high, the new call blocking probability can still be kept below the target value.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Overview of GPRS 1
1.2 Handoff priority-based Channel Allocation Schemes 2
1.3 Motivation and Goal 3
Chapter 2. General Packet Radio Services 5
2.1 General GSM Concept 5
2.2 GPRS system architecture 7
2.3 Session Management and Routing 10
2.4 Protocol Architecture 13
2.5 Quality of Services 16
Chapter 3. Radio Resource Allocations 18
3.1 Air Interface 18
3.2 The Proposed Radio Resource Allocation Scheme 26
Chapter 4. Simulation Results 35
4.1 Simulation Model and Assumptions 35
4.2 Simulation Results 36
Chapter 5. Conclusions 51
References 53
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