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研究生(外文):Zhi-Hong Wu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Low Frequency Noise Characteristics of Polysilicon Thin-Film Transistors and Silicon-On-Insulators MOSFET's
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Lyang Jang
外文關鍵詞:grain boundaryDIGBL1/f noiseG-R noiseparasitic BJT effectkink effectfloating body effectedge transistors
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Polysilcon TFT has many characteristics similar to SOI MOSFET
except the active silicon layer is polycrystalline. The grain boundary contains trapping states that are capable of trapping
mobible carriers and contributing to the creation of space-charge potential barriers. We will realize the special properities of p-Si TFTs by measuring noise.
SOI MOSFET is one of the best candidates for future VLSI applications due to its high drivability. Besides, there are many merits such as : its steep subthreshold slope, reduced parasitic capacitance and reduced short-channel effect.
We want to explain and study the channel length and width dependence of off-state leakage currents through the experimental verification, and then we will discuss the noise spectrum of SOI MOSFET's by noise measurement.

1 Introduction 1
2 Noise Measurement of Polysilicon Thin-film transistors 4
2.1 Introduction ........................................4
2.2 Operation of p-Si TFTs ..............................5
2.3 Noise Source.........................................9
2.4 Experimental Results ...............................11
2.5 Disscussion ........................................19
3 Silicon On Insulator MOSFETs 21
3.1 Introduction .......................................21
3.2 Fully-depleted SOIs ................................24
3.3 Partially-Depleted SOIs.............................25
4 Analysis of Off-State Leakage Current in LOGOS Isolated
Partially-Depleted SOI MOSFET's 31
4.1 Introduction........................................31
4.2 Device Physics of Thick Film SOI MOSFET's...........34
4.3 Experimental........................................38
4.6 Conclusion..........................................52
5 Noise Measurement od SOI MOSFET's 53
5.1 Introduction........................................53
5.2 Noise Source and Physics............................53
5.3 Experimental Results................................55
5.4 Discussion..........................................55
6. Conclusion 63
Bibliography 65

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