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研究生(外文):Yen-Feng Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Voltage-drop and Short-circuit Analysis of a 2x25kV High-speed Railway System
指導教授:陳 在 相
指導教授(外文):Tsai-Hsiang Chen
外文關鍵詞:high-speed railwayAT-fed electric networktrain voltageshort-circuit analysisfault location
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本論文的主要研究目的在於開發嚴謹的高速鐵路2’25kV AT饋電系統電壓降與故障分析工具,藉以輔助系統前期之工程規劃與設計,以及後期之運轉與維護等各階段工作。由於系統元件的數學模型影響模擬結果的準確性與收斂性甚大,本論文首先利用導納矩陣建構法及網路連結技巧開發2’25kV AT饋電系統的AT、饋電線系統與牽引變電站變壓器組等主要元件之數學模型。其中AT的模型考慮其阻抗與主要的原有特性;而饋電線系統則考慮了電車線、鐵軌與負饋線之自感與互感。這些元件模型皆由純自感導納所構成。是故,既可使用於自行開發的程式,也可用於一般的商用電路分析軟體。本文採EMTP來模擬2’25kV AT饋電系統的電壓降與故障分析,已證實其可行性與實用性。
本文另依高鐵牽引系統短路分析之基本原理,開發準確、迅速的2’25kV AT饋電線路之故障定位運算法。其故障定位運算結果並不會受到不可知的故障阻抗大小所影響,使得定位結果既準確又穩定,可協助系統維護人員迅速找到故障位置,節省饋電線路的維護成本,並提高線路的可靠度。
經過一連串不同案例的測試,並與EMTP模擬結果的比對,本論文所開發的程式均能展現極高的準確性,這些分析結果有助於相關研究或設計人員更深入地瞭解2’25kV AT饋電線路之複雜特性,藉以作為其執行規劃、設計及運轉之參考,以提升高速鐵路規劃、設計與運轉之品質及確保電力牽引系統之供電品質與可靠度。
The main purpose of this dissertation is to develop the analytic tools for rigorous evaluation of voltage regulation and short circuit analysis of a 2’25kV AT-fed electric network.
The models of system components significantly affect the accuracy of simulation results and the convergence characteristics of solution techniques. First of all, a detailed network model of a 2*25kV electric railway network was developed. The model is composed of a substation model, autotransformer (AT) models, and network conductor models. The AT model considers the impedance and inherent characteristics of the AT while it was considered as an ideal transformer in other studies. The network conductor model considers the self and mutual impedances of the three major conductors (overhead contact wire, negative feeder and rails). These models are all in coupling-free type. Therefore they can be easily implemented into a program developed by oneself or commercial packages such as the Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) or the Personal Computer Simulation Program with Integrated-Circuit Emphasis (PSPICE).
Second, programs for sequential train voltage calculation and short-circuit analysis were developed with the proposed network model of a 2*25kV electric railway network. The sequential train voltage calculation program can simulate the multi-trains'' operations with load models of constant current or constant power. It can also perform on-line simulation when a sequential train load forecasting program is incorporated. The sequential short-circuit analysis program can be used to quickly scan the short-circuit characteristic of whole electric railway network. The results are of value to the selection and setting of protection relays and selection of system equipment with suitable short-circuit capacity.
Finally, by the basic principle of the short-circuit analysis algorithm for the high-speed railway traction systems, a fault location algorithm was developed to locate the fault position. The algorithm is robust under any fault impedance. Time and costs required for locating any type of fault and subsequent service restoration can be considerably reduced using the proposed algorithm instead of the conventional method of crew inspection.
A series of case studies have demonstrated the feasibility and reliability of the proposed network model and programs. The research results are of value to related engineers to aid plan, design and operate a 2x25kV electric traction network. A high quality and reliable high-speed railway system can thus be achieved.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 研究成果
1.4 論文內容概述
第二章 2×25kV AT饋電系統模型
2.1 高速鐵路動力饋電系統之演進
2.2 2×25kV AT饋電系統結構
2.3 自耦變壓器模型
2.4 饋電線系統模型
2.5 變電站牽引變壓器組模型
2.6 完整的2×25kV AT饋電系統模型
第三章 2×25kV AT饋電系統電壓降分析
3.1 前言
3.2 利用EMTP進行電壓降模擬
3.3 列車行駛期間之連續電壓降計算
3.4 列車行駛期間之連續電壓降計算結果比較與討論
3.5 與列車行駛期間連續負載估測程式結合之列車行駛期間連續電壓降計算
第四章 短路故障分析
4.1 前言
4.2 利用EMTP模擬2×25kV AT饋電線路之短路故障
4.3 可連續計算之短路電流分析程式
4.4 可連續計算之短路電流分析程式測試結果與討論
第五章 2×25kV AT饋電線故障定位運算法
5.1 前言
5.2 故障定位估算法
5.3 故障定位程序
5.4 故障定位運算結果與短路電流分析程式之對照
第六章 結論
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