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研究生(外文):Sheng-Yu Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Processing of Echocardiogram Sequence
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Teng Sheu
外文關鍵詞:complementary difference picturedouble thresholdingactive contour modelsnake)NURBS
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Echocardiograms have been routinely used in detecting of heart disease. It is an important issue in the cardiovascular disease diagnosis by identifying the ventricle shape and boundary precisely from the echocardiogram. Recently, some researchers also developed systems to provide quantitative analysis on echocardiograms.
The destination of this research is to detect the accurate left ventricle and to decrease the interference of noise. In the method of this research, utilizing multiple echocardiogram sequences to find the contour of left ventricle. First, applying double thresholding and difference picture techniques, and the algorithm developed by this research to detect the initial contour of left ventricle. In order to find the accurate contour, this research started from edge-based active contour model to further develop the automatic factor-tuning active contour model in order to detect the contour of left-ventricle in the apic four chamber view echocardiograms. After reconstructing the contour of left-ventricle by NURBS, it can meet with an adaptive result and provide objective referential information to doctor.
Finally, discussing active contour model, region-based active contour model and mixed active contour model.

第一章 序論
1.1 研究動機與目的
1.2 文獻回顧
1.3 論文架構
第二章 超音波心圖成像原理
2.1 超音波成像原理
2.2 心臟超音波影像
第三章 序列影像的初始輪廓檢出
3.1 影像格式及定義工作區
3.2 像素分佈及雙重閥值分割處理
3.3 修正的差分影像處理及產生初始輪廓集合
3.4 孤立點的消除
3.5 產生初始輪廓
第四章 自動調整係數輪廓可調變模型
4.0 引言
4.1 可調變模型的基本原理
4.2 區域型可調變模型
4.3 混合型可調變模型
4.4 自動調整係數可調變模型
4.5 NURBS輪廓連接
4.6 停止遞迴調變處理條件
第五章 實驗結果與討論
第六章 結論及未來研究方向
6.1 結論
6.2 未來研究方向

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