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研究生(外文):Yu-Hsin Chou
論文名稱(外文):Automatic Shape Optimization Based on Optimal Structural Topology
指導教授(外文):Chyi-Yeu Lin
外文關鍵詞:Topology OptimizationShape OptimizationImage Interpretation
  • 被引用被引用:7
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This research aims to develop techniques required to integrate topology optimization, image interpretation, and shape optimization so that an automatic procedure is enabled to create a final structural configuration based solely on initial conditions. These steps include the use of topology optimization to define a good structure topology with arbitrary shapes of outer boundary and inner holes. The second step involves techniques to identify these boundary and interior holes by identification algorithms. After the outer and inner boundaries are defined, techniques that define the subsequent shape optimization problem with proper upper and lower bounds of shape controlling parameters are proposed. This research suggests techniques to construct a largest but not interfering space for each of existing interior holes so that the shape optimization can be conducted with flexible and proper bounds. This research concludes that the automatic procedure of integrating topology and shape optimization is fully functional and worth of continued studies.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
圖表目錄 VII
符號說明 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 3
1.3研究動機 6
1.4 本文內容綱要 8
第二章 結構設計最佳化 9
2.1形狀最佳化 9
2.2拓樸最佳化 11
2.3最佳材料分配法 13
2.3.1最佳化方法 13
2.3.2最佳材料分配法 16
2.3.3兩階段最佳材料分配法 19
2.3.4兩階段拓樸最佳化執行策略 20
2.4自動影像處理執行技術 24
2.4.1門檻值的決定 24
2.4.2連續圖形之定義 26
2.4.3圖形修補策略 27
第三章 特徵值判別法 30
3.1外部幾何形狀的定義 30
3.2內部幾何形狀的定義 34
第四章 自動形狀最佳化執行技術 42
4.1結構幾何形狀模型定義 42
4.1.1外部輪廓之定義 42
4.1.2內部孔洞之定義 43
4.2孔洞擴張策略 44
4.2.1外部輪廓與內部孔洞間之干涉判斷 44
4.2.2內部孔洞間之干涉判斷 46
4.2.3旋轉策略 47
4.2.4邊孔擴張策略 48
4.3設定形狀最佳化參數 49
4.4系統流程 49
第五章 自動形狀最佳化執行範例 56
5.1垂直受力懸臂樑 56
5.2單負荷兩端固定樑 60
5.3水平受力懸臂樑 64
5.4懸臂中空樑 68
5.5自動化流程範例探討 72
第六章 結論與建議 75
6.1 結論 75
6.2 建議 77
附錄 79
參考文獻 95
作者簡介 101
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