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論文名稱(外文):The effect of environmental sulfate and nitrate on the biosynthesis of glutathione and amino acids in leaves
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本研究是以菠菜為實驗材料,分別以蒸餾水、0.1、0.3、0.5M的硫酸鈉、硝酸鈉及混合(硫酸鈉+硝酸鈉)水溶液培養24小時,於24小時後再利用高效能液相層析儀HPLC(High Performance Liquid Chromatography)來測定菠菜葉部組織中GSH及胺基酸的含量。

Different concentrations of sodium sulfate and nitrate [0.1, 0.3 and 0.5M] on the effects of biosynthesis of amino acids and glutathione [GSH] in spinach leaves were studies by high pressure liquid chromatography, respectively. The spinach leaves were cultured for 24 hours. The concentrations of GSH and polypeptides were increased approximately by 69, 461 and 104% under sodium sulfate, 124, 226 and 271% under sodium nitrate, and 307, 430 and 365%under equal mixtures of sodium sulfate and nitrate as compared with distilled water cultured, respectively. The concentration of amino acids were increased approximately by 99 and 173% under sodium sulfate [0.1 and 0.3M], 70 and 84% under sodium nitrate [0.1 and 0.3M], and 78 and 91% under equal mixtures of sodium sulfate and nitrate [0.1 and 0.3M] as compared with distilled water cultured, respectively. The concentrations of amino acids were decreased approximately 12 and 32% under sodium sulfate and equal mixture of sodium sulfate and nitrate at the concentration of 0.5M. The spinach leaves were deteriorated and the amino acid concentrations cannot be determined properly under 0.5M sodium sulfate. From the above results showed that the levels of amino acid, GSH and polypeptides increased linearly with the increase of the concentration of sulfate, nitrate and equal mixtures of these after due to the spinach leaves under high salt concentration [0.5M] especially for sodium sulfate.
It is inferred that when the salt concentration of sulfate and nitrate reached a certain level [e.g. 0.5M], there may be a feedback inhibition mechanism for the biosynthesis of amino acids and GSH in spinach leaves.

二、Glutathione 的定量方法…………………………………………31
三、HPLC(High Performance Liquid Chormato graphy)分析條
一、GSH 標準曲線………………………………………………………37
十、莖部與葉部組織中胺基酸及GSH 的比較…………………………52
表一 GSH標準品在HPLC中的滯留時間與吸收峰面積………………………37
表二 365nm、254nm波長檢測0.1M、0.3M硫酸鈉培養24小時後菠菜葉中
表四 365nm、254nm波長檢測0.1M、0.3M混合水溶液(硫酸鈉+硝酸鈉)
表五 各種不同培養方法培養24 小時後菠菜葉中胺基酸含量……………49
表六 各種不同培養方法培養24小時後菠菜葉中GSH及polypeptides含量…
表七 各種不同培養液培養24小時後菠菜葉部與莖部中胺基酸及GSH含量之
圖一 自然界碳循環…………………………………………………………4
圖二 卡爾文循環……………………………………………………………6
圖三 植物體內胺基酸的合成………………………………………………7
圖四 酸雨形成的原因………………………………………………………8
圖五 硝酸根離子在植物體中之代謝情形…………………………………10
圖六 S 元素進入植物體之途徑……………………………………………14
圖七 二氧化硫進入植物體之代謝情形……………………………………16
圖八 硫酸根離子進入植物體後之代謝情形………………………………17
圖九 GSH 與GSSG……………………………………………………………19
圖十 GSH 之解毒功能………………………………………………………20
圖十一 Glutamate 之合成…………………………………………………22
圖十二 Serine之合成………………………………………………………23
圖十三 Cysteine之合成……………………………………………………23
圖十四 Glycine 之合成……………………………………………………24
圖十五 Glutathione 之合成………………………………………………25
圖十六 GSH 呈色反應機制…………………………………………………32
圖十七 沖提液中75 g與60 g的sodium acetate對GSH peak之滯留時間的
圖十八 沖提液中75 g與90 g的sodium acetate對GSH peak之滯留時間的
圖十九 HPLC分析的流速1.1 ml/min與0.9 ml/min對分析結果的滯留時間
圖二十 HPLC分析的流速0.9 ml/min與0.7 ml/min對分析結果的滯留時間
圖二十一 以不同量的1% FDNB,0.1、0.5 ml作Sanger’s reaction,經
圖二十二 以不同量的1% FDNB,0.1、0.3 ml作Sanger’s reaction,經
圖二十三 實驗流程…………………………………………………………62
圖二十四 植物前處理步驟流程圖…………………………………………63
圖二十五 Glutathione 及胺基酸定性定量之流程圖……………………64
圖二十六 GSH 之標準曲線…………………………………………………38
圖二十七 各種不同濃度之水溶液培養24小時後菠菜葉中胺基酸含量變化
圖二十八 各種不同濃度之水溶液培養24小時後菠菜葉中胺基酸含量之比
圖二十九 各種不同濃度之水溶液培養24小時後菠菜葉中GSH及
圖三十 各種不同濃度之水溶液培養24小時後菠菜葉中GSH及polypeptides
圖三十一 菠菜葉部及莖部組織中胺基酸含量的比較……………………53
圖三十二 菠菜葉部及莖部組織中GSH 及polypeptides含量的比較……53

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