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研究生(外文):Teresa Yi-shan Tu
論文名稱(外文):The Identity Formation of Hans Christian Andersen As Schiller''s "Romantic Poet"
指導教授(外文):Patricia Haseltine
外文關鍵詞:Hans Christian AndersenSchillerIdentity FormationChildren''s LiteratureRomantic Poet
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Andersen''s fairy tales have been attractive to readers since he published his first collection in 1835. They have been translated worldwide and considered as a model of the modern fantasy. Compared with the traditional folktales of the Brothers Grimm and Perrault, Andersen''s tales obviously incorporated more personal and sentimental qualities. He creates voices for children, rewrites the traditional tales by imbuing his experiences, and expresses his search for the unity of the self. This thesis applies Schiller''s theory of the naïve and sentimental poet to analyze Andersen’s tales and defines him as a romanticist and sentimental poet according to the qualities that he shows in his tales.
This thesis is divided into five chapters. In Chapter I, children in the nineteenth century, Andersen''s background, and the development of Romanticism are introduced. I also introduce Schiller''s theory and definition of the sentimental and naive poet in this section. In Chapter II, through the examination and comparison with the other romanticists'' qualities, Andersen''s romantic self can be observed. He expressed his search for an unification of self. The problems of Andersen''s identity formation are the main issues in this chapter. Then, according to Schiller''s theory, I regard Andersen as a romanticist and a sentimental writer in Chapter III. His creativity in plots, characters, tones and settings made him become a "creator" in the history of children''s literature. In Chapter IV, as a sentimental and romantic artist, Andersen shows his great respect for majestic nature and its great power. I discuss the concept of nature in Romanticism and Schiller''s definition of the sublime that can help me examine Andersen''s tales more closely. Then, I explain how Andersen, who ordinarily possesses the sentimental romantic qualities arrives at the expression of the sublime emotion in his tales when dealing with the theme of nature. Chapter V is my conclusion.
Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Chapter I Introduction....................................1
Children in the Nineteenth Century.....................3
Hans Christian Andersen’s Background..................9
Chapter II The Self and Identity Formation of Andersen....21
Andersen’s Unfulfilled Romantic Self..................21
Characters’ Identity-complex..........................34
Chapter III Andersen As a Sentimental Creator.............43
Andersen As a Creator..................................43
Andersen’s Creativity in his Tale.....................56
Chapter IV Nature and the Sublime in Andersen’s Tales....70
Chapter V Conclusion......................................89
Works Cited...............................................94
Works Cited
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