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研究生(外文):Chien-Chin Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Product Information, Reference Prices ,and Perceived Quality on Consumers'''''''' Behavioral Intentions
指導教授(外文):Chung-Chau Chang Ph. D.
外文關鍵詞:product informationadvertised reference priceperceived qualityperceived transaction valueperceived acquisition valuewillingness to buysearch intentioninternal reference price
  • 被引用被引用:133
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本研究採3(三組產品資訊情境-簡單產品資訊、更詳細的產品資訊、提供品質保証的產品資訊) ×2 (二組廣告參考價格-合理高廣告參考價格、合理低廣告參考價格)×2(二組廣告售價-高售價、低售價)實驗設計方式,以知覺品質、內部參考價格、知覺獲得價值、知覺交易價值、購買意願、搜尋意圖為內生變數進行分析。結果顯示(1)當廠商提供之產品資訊越少,廣告售價對知覺品質之正面影響效果就越強。(2)當產品資訊強度愈高,消費者對產品之知覺品質愈高。(3)當消費者之知覺品質、廣告參考價格、廣告售價愈高時,其內部參考價格愈高。(4)當消費者之內部參考價格愈高、所面對之產品資訊強度愈高與廣告售價愈低時,則知覺交易價值愈高(5)當消費者之知覺品質、知覺交易價值愈高時,則其知覺獲得價值愈高;且當消費者之獲得價值愈高時,其購買意願愈高(6)對於台灣地區之學生消費群而言,搜尋意圖不受知覺獲得價值之影響。
Many past literature have addressed the consumers’ purchase intent and search intent as well as their antecedents, but the research findings are mixed. This research proposes a model with three exogenous constructs (product information, advertised reference price and advertised selling price) and six endogenous constructs (consumers'''''''' perceived quality, internal reference price, perceived transaction value, perceived acquisition value, willingness to buy and search intention.). This study employs 3(three levels of product information context, strong, medium or and weak)× 2 (two levels of advertised reference price, plausible-high and plausible-low)× 2 (two levels of advertised selling price, high and low) between-subjects factorial design. The major conclusions are as follows.
(1) As the firms provide less product information to the consumers, the advertised selling price exerts stronger effect on perceived quality.
(2) Consumers perceive better quality as the firms provide stronger product information.
(3) Consumers'''''''' internal reference price is positively correlated to perceived quality, advertised reference price and advertised selling price.
(4) Perceived transaction value is positively correlated to consumers'''''''' internal reference price and product information. Besides, there is a negative correlation between selling price and perceived transaction value.
(5) Consumers'''''''' perceived acquisition is positively influenced by perceived quality and perceived transaction value. And this higher acquisition will lead to higher willingness to buy.
(6) For students, the search intent is not influenced by perceived acquisition value.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 參考價格 4
第二節 知覺品質 12
第三節 產品資訊 19
第四節 知覺價值理論 25
第五節 研究架構與研究假設 31
第三章 研究方法 38
第一節 研究設計 38
第二節 變數之定義、衡量與資料分析工具 45
第四章 研究結果 49
第一節 樣本回收情形 49
第二節 內部一致性之衡量 50
第三節 線性結構關係模式 51
第五章 研究結論與建議 58
第一節 研究結論 58
第二節 建議 62
第六章 參考文獻 66
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