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研究生(外文):Kun-Hsien Kan
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Effective Modularization in Taiwan’s Machine Tool Industry — Product Modularity and Organizational Modularity
指導教授(外文):Ren-Jye LiuKun-Te HuShu-Wen Chang
外文關鍵詞:Competitive ProductsModularityProduct ModularityOrganizational ModularityMachine Tool Industry
  • 被引用被引用:50
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Facing an age of high product variety and mass customization, long-term competitive advantage can not be maintained by merely developing a single product efficiently. Concurrent development of a variety of functionally complete products in a reasonable period of time will be necessary to safeguard a company’s survival into the next century. In order to satisfy high variety, customized market demand, enterprises need to rethink product design (the root of the value chain) in order to create competitive products. Standardization — based on product modularization and organizational modularity — is key to simultaneously creating a wide variety of competitive products.
From a modularity point of view, we find that the use of functional modules as a base for product family planning is the technological factor needed for design standardization and the manufacture of competitive products. Furthermore, using suppliers’ abilities during the product development process is the critical organizational factor in modular product development. Accordingly, we have first tried to build a basic theory of modularity by way of a literature review. We also discuss the technological and organizational conditions needed to form competitive products from a modular perspective, especially in terms of the interaction between product modularity and organizational modularity. Complementing our theory of modularity are case studies of three representative companies in Taiwan’s machine tool industry.
This study finds that there are a number of relationships and dynamic changes between product modularity and organizational modularity. In addition, we also find that modularity concepts have developed gradually in Taiwan’s machine tool industry and that these concepts are currently bringing a number of structural changes to product design and organizational networks. We feel the facts uncovered in this investigation not only offer valuable information for academics, but also provide a useful reference for companies seeking to reform their product development practices.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究方法與步驟 5
1.4 研究對象與範疇 5
1.5 研究架構 6
第二章 模組化發展歷程與模組化相關研究 8
2.1 模組化的發展歷程 8
1.模組化的起源與歷史 8
2.模組化的應用現況與效益 10
2.2 模組化相關研究 14
1.模組化概念 14
2.模組化發展要素 15
(1)產品平台與產品族發展 15
(2)模組化產品與介面的特質 17
3.新產品開發與組織結構型態 18
(1)支援創新的組織結構類型 18
(2)模組化設計與組織結構 24
2.3 台灣工具機產業模組化研究的意義 26
第三章 模組化理論 29
3.1 模組化的定義與特徵 29
3.2 功能模組的涵義 30
1.功能模組的內涵 31
2.功能模組的種類與來源 32
3.功能模組間關係 34
4.功能模組組合的應用手法 35
3.3 模組化發展的考量要因 39
1.組織定位與功能模組選擇 39
2.產品模組化(product modularity) 46
3.組織模組化(organization modularity) 50
4.產品模組化與組織模組化之互動關係 51
(1)產品模組化影響組織模組化 51
(2)組織模組化影響產品模組化 53
5.模組化概念之架構 54
第四章 台灣工具機產業的實證研究 57
4.1 實證研究的假說與目的 57
4.2 實證研究的方法、對象與內涵 57
1.實證研究的方法 57
2.實證研究的對象 58
3.實証企業訪談內容與分析方式 60
4.3 友嘉工具機事業部 63
1.企業簡介 63
2.產品族設計概念─FV-800/1000 63
3.FV-800/1000產品族之供應體系 68
4.供應商參與設計情形 70
5.友嘉綜合加工機模組化之未來展望 71
6.小結 71
4.4 台中精機 72
1.企業簡介 72
2.產品族設計概念─Vc-55/70 73
3.Vc-55/70產品族供應體系之演進 78
4.供應商參與設計情形 80
5.台中精機綜合加工機模組化之未來展望 81
6.小結 81
4.5 楊鐵工廠 83
1.企業簡介 83
2.產品族設計概念─SV-1000 84
3.SV-1000產品族供應體系之演進 88
4.供應商參與設計情形 90
5.楊鐵綜合加工機模組化之未來展望 90
6.小結 90
4.6 實證企業模組化應用之探討 92
1.實證結果整理 92
(1)實證企業產品模組化應用現況 92
(2)實證企業組織模組化發展概況 95
(3)產品模組化與組織模組化的互動關係 98
(4)產品族設計概念的動態變化 99
(5)實證企業在模組化應用之隱憂 100
2.實證企業對模組化應用的涵義 100
(1)採用外部模組供應者的決定要素 100
(2)分散型網路逐漸成形 101
(3)功能模組整合能力成為差異化關鍵 103
第五章 結論與未來課題 105
5.1 結論 105
1.台灣工具機產業模組化應用現況 105
2.對台灣工具產業模組化應用的涵義 106
5.2 對台灣產業發展的涵義 107
5.3 未來課題 108
參考文獻 111
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