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研究生(外文):TSAI YU NAN
論文名稱(外文):Design of a Fuzzy Grey Prediction Controller for an Induction Motor Vector-controlled Drive
外文關鍵詞:grey theorygrey predictionfuzzy prediction step sizepuls width modulationfield vector control
  • 被引用被引用:11
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The grey system theory can not only improve system’s response, but also predict the tendency of its variation.
Therefore, it has a control and prevention ability in advance. It has been widely applied on varieties of fields, and has good effects on climate, earthquake, military and prediction control.
However, the drawback of the conventional grey prediction controller is its fixed prediction step size. The smaller the step size, the faster the response but with larger overshoot. The larger the step size, the slower the response. By combining fuzzy and grey prediction theory, an appropriate prediction step size can be obtained for compensation. Therefore, the effectiveness of the proposed scheme is better than the conventional PI controller and the grey prediction controller with fixed prediction step.
Three types of fuzzy prediction controllers were studied in this project. One is the linearlized fuzzy grey prediction controller (LFGPC), which combines the linearlized grey model and fuzzy theory. Another is the intensive fuzzy grey prediction controller (IFGPC), which combines the intensive grey model and fuzzy theory. The other is the difference fuzzy grey prediction controller (DFGPC), which combines the difference grey model and fuzzy theory. We simulated and analyzed a third-order system to verify the feasibility of the above three controllers. In addition, we applied them to the three-phase induction motor speed control system in order to prove their practicability. Experiment results closely meet the computer simulation results. Their performances are better than PI controller’s whose robust adaptability make them suitable for vector control systems of induction motors.
目 次
摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目次 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 灰色系統理論 4
2.1 背景說明 4
2.2 灰色系統理論簡介 5
2.3 灰色模型導論 6
2.4 數據擷取與處理 7
2.5 灰色建模技術 10
2.6 仿線性灰色預測模型 11
2.7 內涵型灰色預測模型 13
2.8 差分型灰色預測模型 17
第三章 模糊控制理論 22
3.1 模糊理論起源 22
3.2 模糊集合 22
3.3 模糊邏輯控制設計 25
3.4 模糊推論 28
第四章 模糊灰色預測控制器設計 31
4.1 灰色預測控制器結構 31
4.2 模糊預測步距 35
4.3 仿線性模糊灰色預測控制器設計 38
4.4 內涵型模糊灰色預測控制器設計 40
4.5 差分型模糊灰色預測控制器設計 42
第五章 感應電動機磁場導向控制系統 44
5.1 簡介 44
5.2 感應電動機數學模型 45
5.3 向量控制系統之LFGPC設計 50
5.4 向量控制系統之IFGPC設計 62
5.5 向量控制系統之DFGPC設計 63
第六章 感應機向量控制之模擬與實驗 66
6.1 感應機仿線性模糊灰色預測控制模擬與實驗 66
6.2 感應機內涵型模糊灰色預測控制模擬與實驗 104
6.3 感應機差分型模糊灰色預測控制模擬與實驗 140
第七章 結論與未來研究方向 176
7.1 結論 176
7.2 未來研究方向 176
參考文獻 178
A 三相感應電動機參數 181
B 三相感應電動機驅動系統實際配置圖 182
作者簡介 183
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