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研究生(外文):Yu-Chun Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Wind Turnnel Investigation on the Lateral/Torsional Coupled Aeroelastic Behavior of Rectangular Prisms
指導教授(外文):Po-Chien Lu
外文關鍵詞:rectangular cylinderswind tunnneleccentricityfree vibration
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The high-rise building plays a major role in construction development of modern cities. The eccentricity of the structural system cannot be neglected in modern designs.Thus the effects of wind on high-rise buildings and the interactions between these two have become main research topics.
In order to control the influence of wind , this research simplified the high-rise building into a 2-D rectangular section. In order to observe the aeroelastic responses of these rectangular cylinders, we applied the method of free vibration in the wind tunnel, used different depth-to-height ratios, changed the frequency ratios of vibration and torsion,used different damping ratios, and applied the control factor to obtain different eccentricities of the cylinders in the along-wind direction.
The experimental results show that when the geometric center is located above the mass center, the fluctuating displacement decreases in the across-wind direction, and vice versa. Increases in the eccentricity enhance the relative changes, when the frequency ratio is close to1.0, the fluctuating displacement also increases, the damping ratio restrains the response, thus a high damping ratio reduces the fluctuating displacement.
第一章 緒論 1-1
1-1 前言 1-1
1-2 研究動機 1-1
1-3 研究方法與內容 1-2
第二章 文獻回顧 2-1
2-1 橫風向振動 2-1
2-1-1 橫風向振動對壓力係數之影響 2-2
2-1-2 橫風向振動對尾跡之影響 2-5
2-2 扭轉向振動 2-5
2-2-1 扭轉力矩與扭轉角的成因 2-6
2-2-2 扭轉振動的氣彈力現象 2-7
2-3 風壓之量測 2-8
2-4 尾跡實驗量測 2-8
2-5 深高比(B/D)對風力係數之影響 2-8
第三章 理論背景介紹 3-1
3-1 風力係數 3-1
3-2 風對結構物之作用 3-2
3-2-1 氣動力現象 3-3
3-2-2 氣彈力現象 3-5
3-3 散漫數據分析 3-6
第四章 實驗配置、量測與數據分析 4-1
4-1 風洞簡介 4-1
4-2 模型之設計及配置 4-1
4-2-1 氣彈模型之設計 4-1
4-2-2 昇力模型之設計 4-3
4-3 實驗設置 4-3
4-3-1 結構物模擬 4-4
4-3-2 採樣程序 4-5
4-3-3 量測設置 4-5
4-4 結構動力特徵 4-5
4-4-1 結構阻尼率定 4-5
4-4-2 自然頻率率定 4-6
4-5 儀器之率定及校正 4-6
4-5-1 位移率定 4-6
4-5-2 TSI定溫式熱膜探針之率定 4-7
4-5-3 壓力轉換器之率定 4-8
4-5-4 管線系統訊號的校正 4-8
4-6 位移反應量測 4-10
4-7 壓力反應量測及分析 4-10
第五章 結論與討論 5-1
5-1 順風向偏心之位移實驗結果 5-2
5-1-1 勁度中心往下游處偏心之實驗結果 5-2
5-1-1-1橫風向擾動位移反應 5-2
5-1-1-2 扭轉向擾動反應 5-4
5-1-2 勁度中心往上游處偏心之實驗結果 5-7
5-1-2-1橫風向擾動位移反應 5-7
5-1-2-2扭轉向擾動反應 5-9
5-2 擾動昇力係數反應 5-11
5-3擾動昇力頻譜分析 5-13
5-4 結構物振動對尾跡渦流之影響 5-14
5-4-1尾跡頻譜 5-14
5-4-2 尾跡與橫風向位移反應之交相關性 5-16
第六章 結論 6-1
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