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研究生(外文):Chi-chen, Tai
論文名稱(外文):A Discussion on the Relationships between Country of Origin & Purchase Intention
指導教授(外文):Peirchyi, Lii
外文關鍵詞:country of originpurchase intentionproduct evaluation
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本研究以發放問卷的方式來收集資料,共蒐集樣本332份,以統計分析方法(Manova,Friedman test,Regression,Chi-square),其結果支持消費者會因來源國之不同而對(1)來源國印象、(2)產品之評估與期望及(3)購買意願與偏好程度有顯著差異;並支持來源國印象、產品的期望與評估、與購買意願與偏好程度三者排序有顯著相關,且消費者是可以判別出國家之優劣之分。在國家表現上,特別是日本在其產品的三個構面上明顯的表現最佳,其次是美國與義大利,落後的則為台灣,可知消費者會因來源國之印象而對其產品之評估與期望較高,也會對該國產品有較高青睞,對產品之購買意願與偏好程度也較高,反之,若對某國之印象較差,對該國之產品也會較無信心,導致對產品之購買意願與偏好程度也較低。自尊心較高之消費者對於選購國外產品之購買意願與偏好程度較高、但風險接受程度較高之消費者選購國外產品之購買意願與偏好程度非但不會較高,反而成反向關係。不同性別與教育程度之消費者對選購國外產品的購買意願與偏好有顯著差異,但不同年齡及個人收入對選購國外產品的購買意願與偏好則無顯著差異。來源國印象之好壞足以影響消費者對該國產品之評價與購買意願,因此企業在推出進口產品時,可以藉由鮮明之國家印象來提昇產品所帶給消費者之偏好,以促進消費者之購買意願。台灣本土廠商所推出之產品可藉由其他產品屬性作訴求,標榜與國外產品並駕齊驅,且可使用愛國心理之策略。
The consuming market become more competitive than before in Taiwan because of the importing of foreign products, and it is worthy to be discussed. This thesis wishes to know if consumers seem to have higher expectation on foreign products than local ones, and this will lead to higher purchase intention.
According to the literatures, it builds 4 hypotheses. First, when consumers buy foreign products, what effects country of origin produces. Then, how the relationships on (1)country of origin image, (2)product evaluation and expectation, and (3)purchase intention and preference are the main points to be understood in this study. Finally, how the demographic variables and personality affect the consumer intention on foreign products are to be discussed, too.
This study is distributed with questionnaires, and 332 subjects are investigated. The statistical results support country of origin image, product evaluation and expectations, and purchase intention and preference will have significant differences because of different country of origins. In addition, there is significant related on these three variables, and consumers can tell how country of origins perform. Japan gets the highest performance in three items, than comes America and Italy, and the last one is Taiwan. As a result, it shows when consumers regard some country as a better one, they might give higher scores on the product evaluation and expectation; of course, they might have higher purchase intention and preference. On the other side, higher self-esteem consumers show higher intention and preference on foreign products, but higher risk takers shows lower intention and preference on them. Different gender and education have significant differences on the intention and preference on foreign products, but different age and income don’t show the same results. To sum up, country of origin image really play an important role while purchasing and evaluating foreign products.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究問題 3
1.3研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1來源國效果 7
2.2 來源國印象與消費者購買行為 9
2.3 來源國印象與消費者特性 22
2.4 研究假設 24
第三章 研究方法 26
3.1 研究變數之操作型定義與衡量方法 26
3.2問卷設計與預試 32
3.3資料蒐集 33
3.4分析方法 34
第四章 資料分析 35
4.1 樣本分類 35
4.2檢定結果 36
第五章 結論與建議 48
5.1 研究結論 48
5.2策略建議 49
5.3 研究限制 49
5.4 後續研究建議 49
參考文獻 49
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