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研究生(外文):Yih-Fu Ko
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Urine Selenium Levels and Inorganic Arsenic Methylation Capability among Residents of Lanyang Basin in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Yu-Mei Hsueh
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民國八十年設籍於當地40歲以上之居民12000人中參與問卷訪視者共計8102人,依飲用地下水砷暴露濃度分組隨機選取317人為研究對象。收集研究對象所飲用之井水及尿液儲存於-200 C,血液儲存於-700 C冰庫中。以感應耦合電漿-原子發射光譜分析法測定井水砷濃度,以石墨爐式原子吸收光譜儀測定血清中總硒量以及尿液中總硒量與總砷量,利用高效能液相層析儀連結氫化器原子吸收光譜儀測定尿液中的無機砷甲基化代謝物種,並以統計軟體進行統計分析。
The objective of this study was to discuss the distribution of the inorganic arsenic metabolism capabilities among residents of Lanyang Basin who drank underground water and exposed to high concentrations of inorganic arsenic. Selenium is a trace essential elements that is important in providing protection against oxidative damage. It was observed selenium produced antagonism against inorganic arsenic at animals, in vitro experiments and epidemiology studies. Therefore, we also discussed the relationship between total selenium levels in serum and urinary arsenic methylation capabilities among the residents in Lanyang Basin.
At 1991, 8,102 residents were participated questionnaire interview. According to the arsenic concentration of their drinking water, they were classified into two groups(less or equal to 50 ug/L and over ug/L); from each group, totally 317 persons were randomly sampled. Their drinking well water, urine, and blood were collected and stored in refrigerators at the temperature of -20oC and —70oC respectively. The concentration of arsenic in well water, the total selenium levels in serum, total selenium and arsenic levels in urine, and inorganic arsenic methylation species in urine were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, and high-performance liquid chromatography with hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry respectively. The results were analyzed by statistical software.
It turned out no differences in chronic arsenic exposure index (the number of years of drinking arsenic well water, the concentration of arsenic of well water, cumulative arsenic exposure) among opposite genders, cigarette smoking or not, and alcohol drinking or not. The percentage of monomethylarsonic acid and the total arsenic levels in male were significantly higher than those in female, but the percentage of dimethylarsinic acid in male were significantly lower than those in female. The percentages of inorganic arsenic in non-alcohol drinkers were lower than those in alcohol drinkers, but the percentage of dimethylarsinic acid in non-alcohol drinkers were higher than those in alcohol drinkers. The concentration of selenium in serum of the residents below 51 years old were significantly higher than those of the residents between 58 and 64 years old. The concentrations of arsenic and selenium in urine in male and smoker were higher than those in female and non-smokers respectively. After adjusting the age and gender, the higher the concentration of arsenic in well water, the higher the total arsenic levels and the concentration of the arsenic in urine; the higher the cumulative arsenic exposure in drinking water, the higher the total arsenic levels in urine. After adjusting the age, gender, and other risk factors, the higher the concentration of Vitamin E in serum, the higher the concentration of the arsenic and total arsenic levels in urine. The percentage of inorganic arsenic significantly decreased while the concentration of selenium in urine increased; the percentage of dimethylarsinate significantly increased while the concentration of selenium in urine increased. It seemed the selenium in urine would increase the metabolism of methylation of arsenic, this needed further investigation.
目錄………………………………………………………… III
第一章 前言…………………………………………….…1
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………….4
第一節 砷的特性與環境流佈…………………….…4
第二節 砷的毒性………………………………….…5
第三節 砷的代謝………………………………….…6
第四節 硒的特性與環境流佈………………….…...16
第五節 硒的功能……………………………………17
第六節 硒的毒性……………………………………17
第七節 硒的代謝……………………………………18
第八節 砷和硒的交互作用…………………………19
第九節 其他影響砷代謝的因子……………………23
第三章 材料與方法………………………………………25
第一節 研究對象的選取……………………………25
第二節 基本資料的取得與檢體的測定……………25
第四章 結果………………………………………………36
第一節 社會人口學基本資料………………………36
第二節 慢砷暴露指標之分布………………………37
第三節 砷代謝物種及代謝能力之分布……………38
第四節 血清微量營養素之分布……………………40
第五節 血清硒、尿液硒及砷濃度之分布…………41
第六節 依血清脂值指標及井水砷濃度標準分組
第七節 血清硒、尿液硒及砷濃度與砷代謝能
第八節 尿液硒及砷濃度、總砷量與砷代謝
第九節 以飲用水含砷濃度分組之多變項分析…..58
第五章 討論……………………………………………..61
附錄一 宜蘭縣飲用地下水地區居民健康調查問卷
附錄二 宜蘭縣地下水高砷地區居民健康狀態追蹤
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