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研究生(外文):Wang, Ping
論文名稱(外文):A Study of U.S. Charter Schools and the Feasibility of its Implementation into Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Wu, Ching-Shan
外文關鍵詞:Charter SchoolSchool ReformAlternative SchoolAutonomy for Accountability
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研究採問卷調查的方法進行,以自編的「特許學校及其在我國設立之意見調查問卷」,蒐集教育行政人員與國民小學教育人員對於特許學校在我國設立的看法。蒐集對象為台灣地區國民小學教育人員以及教育部、台灣省教育廳、北、高市政府教育局以及台灣省21個縣市政府教育局之教育人員,計925人。調查所得資料經次數分配與百分比、百分比同質性卡方檢定以及聯結分析,以α= .05的顯著水準進行考驗之後,獲致以下結論﹕
1. 受訪者大多支持:(1)由教育專業團體、現任合格教師、非營利性財團法人來經營我國特許學校;(2)新設能夠獨立核准特許學校的機構;(3)特許學校的類型為新設學校;(4)特許學校學生來源應不分學區,一律開放入學;(5)特許學校經費取得採用「以公立學校(每生平均教育經費的某一比例)×(各校學生數)以核定學校的經費額度」的方式;(6)特許學校的教師聘用應該不限制合格教師資格,但需具備特殊領域專長;(7)另定我國特許學校法。
2. 受訪者大多認為我國設立特許學校具有「增加教育選擇的機會」、「適應不同學生的需求」等益處;有「學校仍受不當法規的牽制」、「學校易為營利團體所把持」等限制。
3. 受訪者大多支持特許學校理念,並認為特許學校在我國是一項可行的措施。
1. 制定我國特許學校法,並提昇其法律效益。
2. 訂定暫行要點,作為現階段推動特許學校的權宜之計。
3. 賦予特許學校適當經費與開辦補助,以解決財務問題。
4. 考量特許學校以新設學校為主,作為未來新學校設置的形式。
5. 建立健全的評鑑制度,以落實績效責任制度。
6. 提供技術支援,協助特許學校正常發展。
The main purpose of this study was firstly to explore the basic concept and development of the U.S. charter school movement, secondly to investigate the opinions of educators on U.S. charter schools, and finally to provide recommendations for implementing charter schools in Taiwan.
Questionnaire of survey based on opinions about charter schools implement into Taiwan, developed by the author, was administered to 1,280 samples randomly drawn from elementary schools and the bureau of educational administrations in Taiwan with a return rate of 72.3%. Data analyzed by frequencies, percentage homogeneity χ- square test, and measures of association yielded the following results.
Most respondents support: (1) charter schools be operated by professional groups, licensed educators, and non-profit corporate entities;(2)creating new independent charter-approving entities;(3)the characteristic of charter schools are newly created schools;(4) students should have equal access to all charter schools;(5) charter schools get dollar for dollar what a public school gets for each student ;(6)charter schools are free to employ and contract with non-certificated teachers to perform the particular service for which they are employed in the school;(7)enacting charter school legislation in Taiwan.
Reasons provided by the respondents in favor of charter schools are:(1) to provide school choice;(2)to serve special population. Possible implementation challenges provided by the respondents are:(1) charter schools be resisted by inadequate regulations;(2)charter schools be controlled by for-profit originations.
Findings illustrate that most respondents support charter school concept, and charter schools appear to be a viable reform in Taiwan.
Finally, based on the results, suggestions for educational administration agencies, elementary schools and future study were proposed.
第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………….1
第二節 研究待答問題…………………………………………….4
第三節 名詞釋義………………………………………………….5
第四節 研究方法與架構………………………………………….6
第五節 研究範圍與限制………………………………………….8
第一節 特許學校的意義與特性…………………………………10
第二節 特許學校的發展沿革與實施概況………………………23
第三節 各州特許學校法的分析…………………………………28
第四節 特許學校的相關議題……………………………………53
第五節 特許學校的爭議及挑戰…………………………………83
第六節 特許學校失敗原因之分析………………………………94
第七節 特許學校成功案例之分析……………………………..103
第一節 調查研究架構…………………………………………..122
第二節 研究對象與抽樣方法…………………………………..123
第三節 研究工具………………………………………………..129
第四節 調查研究實施程序……………………………………..134
第五節 資料處理與分析………………………………………..134
第四章 調查研究結果分析與討論
第一節 調查研究結果…………………………………………..136
第二節 綜合討論………………………………………………..152
第一節 研究結論………………………………………………..166
第二節 建議……………………………………………………..174
一、 中文部分……………………………………………………….181
二、 英文部分……………………………………………………….182
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