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研究生(外文):Chen Chia-li
  • 被引用被引用:10
  • 點閱點閱:385
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:7
摘 要
This thesis is aimed to explore the relation between the change of my creation style and the transition of my thinking during the years of 1997 to 2000. Through the process of reconstructing the autonomy of contemporary female by using symbol, it is to seek for the possibility of the ''organic present'' of symbol itself, which has to be the substantial element of painting. This process is sort of awareness for me towards the symbol-drowned world, thus, it is expected to fulfill the self-exploration and the construction of female subjectivity through the process of looking for the symbol.
In the process of discussing the paradox of contemporary arts, the description about the contemporary cultural phenomenon takes a great amount of pages, which inspires me to produce this serial work. In the chapter of literature review, through the exploration of the appearance and content of contemporary arts symbol, the whole expression system and value conception of contemporary symbol is drawn out. Particularly, it is the utilization of codifying process, which transfers the real image into the symbol system, then, the reconstruction is used to gain the legal power of expressing the culture value of contemporary society. And, this is exactly the ''frame'' formed by the contemporary symbol system that I have questioned and try to get away from in my work. I try to look for the purity of symbol itself, by applying the way different from codifying, instead of seeking for another spiritual ''pastiche'' from the mysticism. It is to sink into the organic existence of the object itself and to look for the pure substance of abstract paintings, which has disappeared for a long time in the cultural phenomenon. Further, the theories on which my serial work is based will be discussed as well.
Finally, as a female artist who concerns the research about post-modern feminism, I will investigate and analyze the causes of the formation of patriarchy society in behalf of women, for them to think more and clarify the orientation of seeking autonomy. Then, in the section of work analysis, I will go through the creating process of my work to see how far it is to reflect on the theories mentioned in the literature review.
目 錄
第一章 緒 論 5
第一節 創作研究動機 9
第二節 創作研究方法 12
第三節 研究範圍和名詞釋義 13
第二章 抽象藝術中符號的純粹性 15
第一節 當代藝術的矛盾性 16
第二節 符碼化的訊息 20
第三節 回到物自身有機的存在 23
第四節 抽象繪畫的鈍感性 27
第三章 尋找女性的主體性 31
第一節 女性藝術家的地位 32
第二節 遵父文明的產生 35
第三節 從法國女性主義學派探尋出路 39
第四章 代表作品之詮釋 42
第五章 結論 69
參考文獻 71
參考作品 75
圖 1 我要去印度 , 1999 , 油畫、畫布 , 100cm x 100cm 45
圖 2 上帝救救我 , 1999 , 油畫、畫布 , 80cm x 100cm 47
圖 3 睡眠是深沈而不可期待的偶然 , 1999 , 油畫、畫布 , 80cm x 100cm 49
圖 4 狗與人不得進入 , 1999 , 油畫、畫布 , 80cm x 100cm 51
圖 5 神聖而不可侵犯 , 1999 , 油畫、畫布 , 100cm x 100cm 53
圖 6 像老樹一樣的喜怒哀樂 , 1999 , 油畫、畫布 , 100cm x 100cm 55
圖 7 穩住 , 2000 , 油畫棒、油畫、畫布 , 155cm x 180cm 57
圖 8 回去 , 2000 , 粉蠟筆、油畫棒、油畫、畫布 , 80cm x 80cm 59
圖 9 南方四賤客 , 2000 , 油畫棒、油畫、畫布 , 180cm x 180cm 61
圖 10 我和我那朋友們 , 2000 , 油畫棒、油畫、畫布 , 180cm x 180cm 63
圖 11 活著 , 2000 , 油畫棒、油畫、畫布 , 80cm x 80cm 65
圖 12 尋 找 梅哩, 2000 , 油畫棒、油畫、畫布 , 180cm x 225cm 67
圖 13 素描 , 1997 , 水性鉛筆、碳筆、水彩、紙 , 41cm x 31cm 75
圖 14 素描 , 1997 , 水性鉛筆、碳筆、紙 , 27cm x 39cm 76
圖 15 素描 , 1997 , 水性鉛筆、碳筆、紙 , 27cm x 39cm 77
圖 16 素描 , 1997 , 水性鉛筆、碳筆、紙 , 39cm x 27cm 78
圖 17 素描 , 1997 , 油性粉彩、紙 , 27cm x 39cm 79
圖 18 素描 , 1997 , 油性粉彩、紙 , 27cm x39cm 80
圖 19 無題 , 1999 , 油畫、畫布 , 34cm x 34cm 81
圖 20 無題 , 1999 , 油畫、畫布 , 50cm x 60cm 82
圖 21 過程1 , 2000 , 油畫、油畫棒、畫布 , 80cm x 80cm 83
圖 22 過程2 , 2000 , 油畫、油畫棒、畫布 , 80cm x 80cm 84
圖 23 欺瞞 , 2000 , 油畫、油畫棒、畫布 , 180cm x 225cm 85
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