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研究生(外文):Hung Ling Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Preparation and characterization of TiO2 semiconductor particles
指導教授(外文):Yi Hu
外文關鍵詞:TiO2rutileanatasephase transformation
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製作氫原料為未來發展低污染電力能源的最佳途徑之一。尤其是在燃料電池電力發展與渦輪燃料上,要提高效率最直接的方法便是直接使用氫原料。因為TiO2是目前直接催化水分解最高效能之材料,所以本計劃利用TiO2 之光電化學反應以應用在電解水產氫元件上。實驗計畫即利用水性無機鹽與醇鹽溶膠—凝膠法製作負型二氧化鈦(n-type TiO2 )膠質微粒,並進行DTA、X-ray、FTIR、UV-Visible、SEM、BET、光電流測試,以了解微粒之特性對於光電效應之影響。由實驗結果發現三種製程皆可有效降低相變化(Anatase to Rutile)之溫度,尤以製程一中pH=2環境下所得之相變化溫度最低。而由UV-Visible 結果得知Rutile結構之吸收波長較Anatase結構為高。此外粒子之分散性則以利用Ti-isopropoxide或由Ti-isopropoxide中添加硝酸所製得之粒子大小較為均勻,且較為分散。至於由光電流測試結果則可得知Rutile結構所得之光電流密度較Anatase結構為大。

Production of hydrogen is one of the best ways to develop low pollution energy source. Direct use of hydrogen also can largely promote the efficiency in the energy transition of fuel cells and automobile combustion. TiO2 has the most efficiency in water hydrolysis at present time, so the program is to utilize the photoelectro-chemistry properties of TiO2 in the device of hydrogen generation from water hydrolysis. The experiment will be conducted by using the aqueous inorganic-salt and alkoxide sol-gel method to prepare n-type TiO2 colloidals. Then, the properties of TiO2 can be characterized in DTA, X-ray, FTIR, UV-visible, SEM, BET, and electrochemical analysis. From the experimental results, all three preparing processes can lower the temperature of phase transforrmation(Rutile to Anatase), especially pH=2 in processes one. TiO2 with rutile structure has smaller energy gap and wider photo absorption range than that of Anatase. Besides, the particles obtained from the Ti-isopropoxide method and the Ti-isopropoxide with HNO3 method are much uniform with narrow distribution, and are more discrete. From the measurement of electrochemical analysis, we can know TiO2 with Anatase structure has larger photocurrent density than that with Rutile structure.

Abstract ....................................................Ⅱ
Content ....................................................Ⅲ
Table Content.................................................Ⅶ
Figure Content................................................Ⅷ
二、Literature Review..........................................2
2-1 Photoelectric Chemistry 2
2-1-1 Electromagnetic Radiation................................2
2-1-2 The Theory of Photochemical Reactions....................2
2-2 The Photocatalytic Reaction of Semiconductor...............4
2-2-1 The Classification and CharacteristicsofSemiconductor....4
2-2-2 Electronic Properties....................................6
2-3 Hydrogen Generation by Semiconductor.......................6
2-3-1 Semiconductor Electrode..................................6
2-3-2 The Energy for Hydrogen Generation.......................8
2-3-3 The Factors for Affecting Hydrogen Generation............8
2-4 TiO2 Semiconductor Electrode...............................9
2-5 The Factors for Affecting Photochemical Properties........11
2-5-1 Effects of Dopant.......................................11
2-5-2 Effects of Material Forms...............................11
2-5-3 Effects of Electrolytes.................................11
三、Experimental Details......................................13
3-1 Preparation of the Titania Powders........................13
3-2 Differential Temperature Analysis (DTA)...................14
3-3 X-ray Diffraction Analysis................................14
3-4 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra (FTIR).................14
3-5 UV-vis Spectroscopy.......................................14
3-6 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)........................14
3-7 Surface Area Studies......................................15
3-8 Photocurrent Densities Measurement........................15
四、Results and Discussion....................................16
4-1 DTA Analysis..............................................16
4-2 X-ray Diffraction Analysis................................16
4-2-1 The Effects of the Heating Temperatures on TiO2 Structures Prepared by Process One............................16
4-2-2 The Effects of the pH Value on TiO2 Structures Prepared by Process One................................................17
4-2-3 The Effects of the Heating Temperatures on TiO2 Structures Prepared by Process Two........... ................19
4-2-4 The Effects of the Acid on TiO2 Structures Prepared by Process Two...................................................19
4-3 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra (FTIR).................20
4-4 UV-vis Spectroscopy.......................................22
4-5 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)........................22
4-6 Surface AreaStudies.......................................23

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