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研究生(外文):Kuo-Chiang Hsia
論文名稱(外文):Protein-Protein Interaction between Colicin E7 and the Proteins in the Periplasm of E. coli
指導教授(外文):Kin-Fu Chak
外文關鍵詞:ColicinperiplasmE. coli
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在本篇報告中發現,只有大腸桿菌素中的毒性區域才能進入菌體中,顯示此毒素在進入細胞的過程中是經過蛋白質切割的過程。進一步發現在胞膜區間(periplasmic space)中有部份蛋白質會專一性的作用在大腸桿菌素上。經由蛋白質定序與電腦比對發現這些會與大腸桿菌素作用的蛋白質包括:有glucose-1-phosphatase,maltose binding protein E與flagellin等,所以此等蛋白質可能有參與桿菌素在胞膜中位移(translcoation)的現象。此外,經由一些實驗也發現免疫蛋白會在胞膜區間中堆積,因此我們認為免疫蛋白質會在胞膜區間中與大腸桿菌素分離造成了免疫蛋白堆積的現像。
Colicins of DNase type are bacteriocin which released from E. coli during environmental stress. These proteins are inactivated upon the binding of immunity protein to its toxicity domain. Recent study indicated a high affinity binding (Kd = 10-14 — 10-17 M) between colicins and their immunity proteins (Col-Imm). These complexes, under normal conditions, do not dissociate easily. However, only colicins dissociated from Col-Imm complex which enter and kill the target cells. The mechanism attributes to dissociation of Col-Imm complex prior to enter the cytoplasm remains unknown. Our recent studies revealed that colicin must be cleaved prior to launch its cytotoxic effect and only the fragment containing toxicity domain can be translocated into target cell. Certain proteins in the periplasmic space bind specifically to colicin. Protein sequencing results showed that proteins in the periplasmic region specifically interact with ColE7 include glucose-1-phosphatase, maltose binding protein, flagellin, indicating that these proteins may play an important role for translocating colicin through the membrane. Since immunity protein is accumulated in the periplasmic space, it''s accumulation may be attributed to the dissociation of ColE7-Imm complex in the periplasmic space. Thus, a possible mechanism for colicin is proposed. After the binding of ColE7-Imm complex to its target cell, toxicity domain in the C terminal of colicin will be cleaved by certain periplasmic proteins leading to the dissociation of Imm protein with the toxicity domain in periplasmic space. Moreover, the low pH condition in periplasmic space might play a role for the dissociation of toxicity domain and immunity protein. Eventually, the processed toxicity domain translocates into cytoplasm through the inner membrane by an unknown mechanism to launch its cytotoxic effect in sensitive cells.
壹、 序論…………………………………………………………….1 ~ 12
貳、 實驗材料與方法……………………………………………..13 ~ 46
一、 細菌菌株……………………………………………………..…… 13
二、 質體及其建構………………………………………………..…… 13
三、 化學藥品與酵素……………………………………………..…… 14
四、 一般研究的方法…………………………………………….. 15 ~ 26
(一)細菌培養……………………………………………….……... 15
(二)在大腸桿菌中質體DNA之分離與純化……………..…….... 16
(三)大腸桿菌中全部DNA (total genomic DNA) 之分離與純化..18
(四)聚合鏈鎖反應……………………………………………... 19
(五)限制的切割……………………………………………..…. 20
(八)DNA的連接反應………………………………………..…… 21
(九)洋菜膠體電泳……………………………...…………………. 22
(十)從洋菜膠中回收DNA片段及純化…………...……………... 23
(十一)細菌的轉形作用……………………………………...……. 24
(十二)選殖菌株之篩選-細菌質體之快速篩選法……………...… 26
五、一般蛋白質之純化……………………………..……………… 26 ~ 39
(一)大腸桿菌素與免疫蛋白之純化………………………………. 26
(二)大腸桿菌胞膜區間蛋白質之純化與分類分離………....……. 30
六、胞膜間區蛋白質與大腸桿菌素互動之研究……………………39 ~ 41
十二、菌體外與菌體內免疫蛋白的純化………………………….44 ~ 46
參、 結果…………………………………………….…..……. 47 ~ 57
一、大腸桿菌素ColE7經胞膜位移進入細菌內最終產物的探討…… 47
二、胞膜間區蛋白質與大腸桿菌素ColE7互動之研究………… 48 ~ 52
五、免疫蛋白與大腸桿菌素ColE7分離後所在的位置………….56 ~ 58
肆、 討論……………………………………………………….. 59 ~ 57
一、大腸桿菌素ColE7進入細胞的形式…………………………...…. 60
二、胞膜間區蛋白質對於大腸桿菌素ColE7在胞膜位移過程中的影響……………………………………………………………….61 ~ 62
四、與大腸桿菌素ColE7作用之胞膜間區蛋白質……………….64 ~ 66
(一) Glucose-1-phosphatase的基本性質與可能功能………...……65
(二) Maltose binding protein E的基本性質與可能功能……...……66
(三) Flagellin的基本性質與可能功能…………………………..…66
(四)Outer membrane porin F的基本性質與可能功能……………..67
五、大腸桿菌素ColE7內金屬離子與免疫蛋白在大腸桿菌素運輸中所扮演的色…………………………………………………..……68~ 71
伍、圖表…………………………………………………………… 73 ~ 114
陸、參考文獻……………………………………………………115 ~ 123
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