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研究生(外文):Su-Shin Lin
論文名稱(外文):Bio-Psychosocial Adjustment and Social Support in Patients after Heart Transplantation Surgery
指導教授(外文):Fung-Chi Ma
外文關鍵詞:heart transplantation surgerybio-psychosocial adjustmentsocial support
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一、 心臟移植病患術後,生理困擾調適及心理社會調適均介 於「無障礙」至「輕度障礙」之間。在生理困擾調適方面,調適最差的項目為毛髮增生;在心理社會調適各層面調適中,以心理困擾調適最佳,社會環境調適最差。
二、 心臟移植病患術後之整體社會支持為中下程度,在各層次中以訊息支持獲得最多,實質支持獲得最少。在支持來源中,以家人親友為主要提供者。
三、 心臟移植病患術後之基本屬性中,年齡與健康照顧調適,性別與整體心理社會調適、家庭生活調適及非共居家人調適,婚姻狀況與整體心理社會調適、家庭生活調適及非共居家人調適,工作狀況與工作狀況調適及健康照顧調適,均達顯著差異。在疾病特性中,住院月數與生理困擾調適、健康照顧調適、家庭生活調適及性生活調適均呈顯著差異。
四、 心臟移植病患術後之基本屬性中,性別與整體社會支持、情緒支持、訊息支持及評價支持,均達顯著差異。在疾病特性中,出院月數與整體社會支持、情緒支持及評價支持,均達顯著差異,出院後有無發生排斥或感染再度入院者,與整體社會支持、情緒支持及評價支持均呈顯著差異,出院後有發生排斥者,與訊息支持呈顯著差異。
五、 心臟移植病患術後之社會支持與生理困擾調適無顯著相關。社會支持與整體心理社會調適、家庭生活調適、性生活調適、非共居家人調適及社會環境調適,均呈顯著正相關。
六、 心臟移植病患術後之生理困擾調適與整體心理社會調適、心理困擾調適、工作狀況調適、家庭生活調適及性生活調適,均呈顯著負相關,即生理困擾調適愈佳,則整體心理社會調適、心理困擾調適、工作狀況調適、家庭生活調適及性生活調適愈佳。
The purpose of this descriptive cross-sectional survery study was to examine the bio-psychosocial adjustment and social support in heart transplantation recipients after their discharge from hospital. In this study, 90 patients were selected by purposive sampling from cardiac surgery out-patient department of two medical centers in the northern Taiwan.The instruments which is structured questionnaires used in this study included physical distress adjustment, psychosocial adjustment to illness scale (PAIS), social support scale, demographyic data and characteristic of illness.The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, percentage, one-way ANOVA, post Scheff’s examination, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression. The important results were summarized as follows:
1. The degress of bio-psychosocial adjustment in post-heart transplant recipients was mild disturbance to none.The hirsutism was the most difficult item in physical distress adjustment; The psychological distress adjustment was the best item in psychosocial adjustment aspects, the adjustment to social environment was the worst in psychosocial adjustment aspects.
2. The whole social support in post-heart transplant recipients was at moderate-inferior degree.The informational support was the best, but tangible support was the worst.The family and relatives were the major providers in social network.
3. In demographic data, the relation of patient’s age to health care orientation; sex to whole psychosocial adjustment, domestic environment and extended family; marital atatus to whole psychosocial adjustment, domestic environment and extended family; employment to vocational environment and health care orientation have been significantly different. In characteristics of illness data, length of hospital stay to physical distress adjustment, health care orientation, domestic environment and sexual relations have been significantly different.
4. In demographic data, sex to whole social support, emotional support, informational support and appraisal support have been significantly different. In characteristic of illness data, length of discharge to whole social support, emotional support and appraisal support have been significantly different; the group who re-admitted due to rejection or infection to whole social support, emotional support and appraisal support have been significantly different; the group who re-admitted due to rejection to informational support have been significantly different.
5. The relationship between social support and physical distress adjustment was not statistically significant. Social support and whole psychosocial adjustment,domestic environment, sexual relations, extended family, social environment were positive correlation.
6. Patient’s physical distress adjustment and whole psychosocial adjustment, psychological distress, vocational environment, domestic environment, sexual relaions were negtive correlation.
The results of this study provided the reference to design discharge education plan and continuous nursing intervention in post transplantation recipients after their discharge. Nursing implications for further study are included.
目 錄
第壹章、 緒論……………………………….……………………………..1
第一節、 問題的重要性…………………………………………………….1
第二節、 研究動機…………………………………………..……….……2
第貳章、 文獻查證…………………………………………....………...4
第一節、 心臟移植手術…………………………………………………….4
第二節、 身心社會調適…………………………………………………….6
一、 調適概念…………………………………………………...…………6
二、 心臟移植病患身心社會調適………………………………......….8
第三節、 社會支持…………………………………………………………18
一、 社會支持種類及功能……………………………………….……….18
二、 影響社會支持之相關因素…………………………………....…..19
第四節、 身心社會調適與社會支持之相關性………….…….........20
第參章、 研究架構、研究目的與名詞界定………………………………23
第一節、 研究架構………………………………………….…….…....23
第二節、 研究目的………………………….…................….…24
第三節、 名詞界定……………………………………...….......……25.
第肆章、 研究方法………………………………………………....……28
第一節、 研究對象與場所………………………….……..…….......28
第二節、 研究工具………………………………………….………...…29
第三節、 資料收集步驟…………………………………….……….....36
第四節、 資料處理及統計分析…………………………….…….....…37
第伍章、 研究結果……………………………….….…...….........43
第一節、 心臟移植病患術後之個人基本屬性及疾病特性………………43
第二節、 心臟移植病患術後之身心社會調適狀況…………………....49
第三節、 心臟移植病患術後之社會支持狀況……………………......60
第四節、 個人基本屬性、疾病特性與身心社會調適之關係…………..63
第五節、 個人基本屬性、疾病特性與社會支持之關係…………………86
第六節、 社會支持與身心社會調適之相關性………………..........99
第七節、 生理困擾調適與心理社會調適之相關性………………..….100
第陸章、 討論…………………………………...………….….…....104
附錄一 研究同意書…..….....……………..…………...……...134
附錄二 個人基本屬性及疾病特性資料表…………....…...…....135
附錄三 生理困擾調適量表……….………………………...……….136
附錄四 心理社會調適量表…...………..……………………………137
附錄五 社會支持量表………..…………………………..………...141
附錄六 心理社會調適量表使用授權同意書……….………….…...142
附錄七 社會支持量表使用授權同意書…………………..….……..143
附錄八 問卷效度測試之專家名單….….………………….……..…144
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