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研究生(外文):Pin-Hao Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Economic Design of Average Control chart Under Non-normality and Correlated Subgroups
指導教授(外文):Chao-Yu Chou
外文關鍵詞:control charteconomic designnon-normalitycorrelated samplesBurr distribution
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  當Shewhart博士在1924年提出管制圖後,各種管制圖技術便不斷地被發展出來,並且成為工業製程管制之主要工具。在管制圖的應用中,最常見的就是平均數管制圖( 管制圖)。當 管制圖被應用在監控製程之品質特性時,必須先決定三個參數,這三個管制圖參數分別為樣本數(n)、抽樣間隔時間(h)與管制界限(k)。在1956年,Duncan發表 管制圖之經濟性設計,以決定 管制圖的三個參數,其目標函數為使抽樣與檢驗之相關成本極小化。
  本研究之主要目的為非常態性與相關性資料下對 管制圖之經濟性設計的影響。此份研究總共可分為三個主題,第一、在非常態性的資料下,分別引用Duncan與Alexander的成本函數於平均數管制圖的經濟統計性設計;第二、假設品質特性具備常態性與相關性,並結合Duncan的成本模式,探討平均數管制圖的經濟性設計;第三、探討非常態性與相關性的資料下,引用Duncan與Alexander的成本模式,進行平均數管制圖的經濟性設計。
Since 1924 when Dr. Shewhart presented the first control chart, statistical methods provide a useful application in industrial process control. Duncan (1956) proposed the first model for determining the sample size (n), the interval between successive samples (h), and the control limits of an control chart which minimizes the average cost when a single out-of-control state (assignable cause) exists.
Traditionally, when conducting the design of control charts, one usually assumes the measurements in the sample are normally distributed and independent. However, this assumption may not be tenable. If the measurements are asymmetrically distributed and correlated, the statistic will be approximately normally distributed only when the sample size n is sufficiently large and may reduce the ability that a control chart detects the assignable causes.
In this paper, the economic design of chart under non-normality and correlated samples will be developed using the Burr distribution. There are three sections in this research which including, the economic statistical design of the chart using Duncan’s and Alexander’s cost model for non-normality data; the economic design of the chart using Duncan’s cost model under normality and correlated data; the economic design of the chart using Duncan’s and Alexander’s cost model for non-normality and correlated data.
The results of comparison show that an increase in correlation coefficient leads to increases on both the sample size and the sampling interval, and a wider control limit under Duncan’s cost model with correlated data. An increase in correlation coefficient leads to decreases in the sample size, the sampling interval and a wider control limit under Alexander’s cost model with correlated data. The sample size is not significantly affected by non-normality under both Duncan’s and Alexander’s cost models. Increasing in skewness and kurtosis coefficient results in an increase in sampling interval; control limits are robust both on skewness and kurtosis coefficient under non-normality data. A slight effect may be observed under the consideration of non-normally correlated data.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
符號說明 vii
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與架構 2
1.4 研究方法與步驟 2
二、文獻回顧與探討 5
2.1 Duncan平均數管制圖之經濟性設計 5
2.2 田口損失函數 6
2.3 相關性樣本 7
2.4 Burr分配 8
三、模式建立 10
3.1 成本模式 10
3.1.1 Duncan成本模式 10
3.1.2 Alexander成本模式 11
3.2  誤差機率 12
3.2.1 非常態下Duncan成本模式之誤差機率 12
3.2.2 非常態下Alexander成本模式之誤差機率 13
3.2.3 常態與相關性樣本下平均數管制圖之誤差機率 15
3.2.4 非常態與相關性樣本下平均數管制圖之誤差機率 16
四、模式求解與分析 18
4.1 Duncan成本模式 18
4.1.1 非常態資料下平均數管制圖之敏感度分析 19
4.1.2 常態與相關性資料下平均數管制圖之敏感度分析23
4.1.3 非常態與相關性資料下平均數管制圖之敏感度分析26
4.1.4 非常態與相關性資料下三個管制參數之敏感度分析31
4.2  Alexander成本模式 34
4.2.1 非常態資料下平均數管制圖之敏感度分析 34
4.2.2 非常態與相關性資料下平均數管制圖之敏感度分析39
4.2.3 非常態與相關性資料下三個管制參數之敏感度分析45
五、結論 49
參考文獻 51
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