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研究生(外文):Chuan-Yi Chang
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Hierarchical Packet Fair Queuing For IP/DWDM Network
指導教授(外文):I-Shyan Hwang
外文關鍵詞:DWDM NetworkTCP/IP Protocol suitesHierarchical Packet Fair Queuing Algorithm
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Since the Internet raises and develops rapidly. This has made networks all over the world more and more complicated, and has increased the transmission amount of various kinds of data related with various media types. According to the coming age of huge transmission, the transmission of Backbone Network has shown its big value up more and more clearly. And, by this situation, the DWDM Network is raising. In order to increase its speed, then, in the same time, the TCP/IP protocol suites are over this kind of network directly. This is trying to make the IP/DWDM to be worthy of the name of high-speed network. In the field of networks, there are many fair queuing algorithms. This paper is based on the Hierarchical Packet Fair Queuing Algorithm and tries to make it flexible. Then, according to the adaptive algorithm, we try to discuss that if the delay times, which the TCP/IP protocol suites generate in this architecture, have dramatic changes compared with the original one. Simultaneously, we are considering the possibility of applying this algorithm to the other fields.
1 Introduction……………………………………… 1
1.1 Motivation………………………………………… 1
1.2 Background………………………………………… 2
1.3 Methods and Steps………………………………… 3
1.4 Prospective Contribution……………………… 5
2 Related Researches……………………………… 6
2.1 System Description….…………………………… 6
2.1.1 Optical Transmission…………………………… 7
2.1.2 System Components………………………………… 8
2.1.3 IP/DWDM Architecture…………………………… 10
2.2 Existed Fair Queuing Algorithms……………… 11
2.2.1 Deficit Round-Robin……………………………… 12
2.2.2 Leap Forward Virtual Clock……………………… 14
2.2.3 Hierarchical Packet Fair Queuing Algorithm 19
3 Result…………………………………………………… 23
3.1 Adaptive Algorithm…………………………………… 23
3.2 Delay bound Proof…………………………………… 28
3.3 Computation Data……………………………………… 30
3.4 Description…………………………………………… 32
4 Conclusion…………………………………………… 34
4.1 Trade Off……………………………………………… 34
4.2 Another Applications………………………………… 35
4.3 Future Work…………………………………………… 36
5 Reference……………………………………………… 36
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