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研究生(外文):ChienChou Shih
指導教授(外文):WenHwa Hwu
外文關鍵詞:PolyurthaneRigid FoamsCombustibilityBurning RateBurning Rate ModifierAmmonium PerchloratePropellantSilane
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In order to develop a high burning rate material for further using in rocket motor fabrication, a series of rigid polyurethane (PU) / ammonium perchlorate (AP) foam were made in this study. The characteristics of these PU/AP foams were also investigated. Our results show that the PU foam which has the required compressive strength (> 2kg/cm2) can be made by adjusting the relative amount of binary alcohol to ternary alcohol, the composition of the mixed catalyst and by changing the kind and amount of the blowing agent. The burning rate of PU foam is dependent on the foaming density, oxidizer and burning rate catalyst. The higher the density of PU foam is, the lower the burning rate it has. Replacing part of AP with porous AP or ultra-fine AP enhances the burning rate of PU foam. Particularly, the burning rate of PU foam increases tremendously when using a catalyst system composed of Butacene and ultra-fine aluminum powder (ALEX) as well as silane treated ultra-fine AP. The pressure exponents of burning rate for these flammable foams are only about 0.2 which is much lower than that of the traditional propellant.

1.前 言…………………………………………………………………1
3.1.3.發泡劑(Blowing Agent) ……………………………………16
4.4.多孔性過氯酸銨(PAP)製作 ……………………………………31
5.3.PAP製作 …………………………………………………………38
5.3.1.PAP比表面積、真密度及顯微攝影 …………………………38
5.3.2.PAP熱分析 ……………………………………………………44
6. 結 論 ……………………………………………………………………75
自 傳…………………………………………………………………………87

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