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研究生(外文):Li Chun-Chi
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Numerical Simulation of Hypersonic Flow Mechanism within the Reflected Shock Tunnel with Hypersonic Flow
指導教授(外文):Tai Chang-HsienMiao Jr-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Reflected shock tunnelReflected shock/boundary layer interactionStarting processEquilibrium flowFlow establishment time
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The aim of this thesis is to develop a CFD solver used to simulate the transient flow phenomena in a reflected shock tunnel. These transient flow phenomena include the wave interaction of reflected shock and contact discontinuity, the reflected shock/boundary layer interaction and the starting process of nozzle flow that can affect the duration of test flow in actual conditions. In addition, the flow establishment time of a sphere model in the test section is calculated in this model.
To numerically simulate these transient flow features, a full-size, axisymmetric reflected shock tunnel model is used. The governing equations are the full Navier-Stokes equations, a species equation and a simplified polynomial correlation to simulate the real gas effects. The numerical code has been developed based on the finite volume method coupled with the upwind Roe’s scheme and the total variation diminishing (TVD) method. To increase the calculation efficiency, a multi-block and multi-mesh grid generation techniques are employed in a huge computational domain. The validation of the present code is done to compare with the Amann’s experiment data with a good agreement. By the way, the strength of the secondary diaphragm, the half nozzle angle effect and the difference of the viscous, frozen and equilibrium flows have simulated in this work.
The present computational results have not only confirmed the theoretical characteristics of a shock tube, but also qualitatively presented the phenomena of the transient flow features. This numerical code is a useful tool to demonstrate the actual flow phenomena and to assist the design of experiments.
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