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研究生(外文):Chiang Hung Lu
論文名稱(外文):Ruthenium-Coated Electrodes Prepared by Cyclic Voltammetry and Electroplating for the Application of Electrochemical Capacitor
指導教授(外文):Chi-Chang Hu
外文關鍵詞:Ru-metalElectrochemical Capacitor
  • 被引用被引用:25
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A(釕金屬) ↔ B(價數較低氧化態) → C(價數較高氧化態)
The purpose of this work is to study the electrochemical properties of the Ru-coated electrodes pretreated with 100 cycles of CV in different potential ranges and annealed in air for 1 hr for the application of electrochemical capacitors. There results were compared with the hydrous ruthenium oxides prepared by cyclic voltammetry. The electrochemical reversibility of the redox tramsitions on the hydrous ruthenium oxides (RuOx·nH2O) is higher than that on the Ru-coated electrode. In addition, new oxidation/redution peaks were found on the Ru-coated electrode when the upper potential limits of CV were charged. The redox transitions of oxides were simply expressed as : A( Ru metal)↔B(lower oxidation state of Ru oxide)→C(higher oxidation state of Ru oxide). The amount of Ru oxides in different oxidation states was strongly dependent upon the potential range of CV. Ruthenium oxides in lower oxidation states can be reduced to ruthenium metal,which can be adsorbed/desorbed by hydrogen. Cyclic voltammograms of the Ru oxides in higher oxidation states possed a rectangular shope without the hydrogen respreses. Since the aggregates of Ru, OH, H2O and few Cl would be rearranged by the repeated CV to form a more stable structure, the pseudo capacitance of ruthenium been cycled at different ranges would be reduced, which was supported by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) results.
When the Ru-coated deposits were annealed in air for 1 hr at temperature > 300℃, the Ru-coated electrode would be more stable,which exhibited the behavior similar to ideal electrochemical capacitors. However Ru oxides would be dissolved by the potential cycling in 0.5 M H2SO4 when they were annealed in air for 1 hr at temperature ≤400℃. The surface of Ru-coated deposits would become porous and the active site would be increased at annealing temperature ≥400℃.Although the pseudo capacitance of Ru-coated electrode would be reduced by annealing, the pseudo capacitance would be increased by potential cycling for 2000 cycles. These Ru-coated electrodes became more stable and applicable to the electrochemical capacitor.
第一章緒 論………………………………………………………1
1-1電化學原理………………………………………………. ...1
1-1-1 電化學反應系統……………………………………….1
1-1-2 影響電化學的反應因素………………………………2
1-2 金屬氧化物電極……………………………………………..3
1-2-1 金屬氧化物電極的種類與用途………………………..3
1-2-2 金屬氧化物電極的製備方法…………………………..5
1-3 電化學電容器………………………………………………..8
1-3-1 電化學電容器的分類…………………………………..8
1-3-2 電化學電容器的量測………………………………….11
1-3-3 影響電化學電容器特性的因素………………………...14
1-4 研究動機與本文大綱…………………………………….19
第二章 實驗方法與步驟…………………………………………….21
  2-1 電極製作…………………………………………………..21
2-1-1 電極基材的前處理……………………………………21
   2-1-2 循環伏安法及電鍍法…………………………………21
2-1-3 熱處理釕金屬電極……………………………………22
2-2 電化學測試…………………………………………………22
2-2-1 循環伏安實驗………………………………………..23
2-2-2 充放電實驗…………………………………………..23
2-2-3 可逆性………………………………………………..25
  2-3 材料分析……………………………………………………25
  2-4 使用儀器及藥品……………………………………………25
第三章 循環伏安及電鍍法製備之釕電極的電化學行為探討及比較
3-3 電鍍法及循環伏安法製備釕電極的比較…………………50
3-3-2 經過老化處理之比較…………………………………54
3-4 電極之材料分析……………………………………………54
  3-5 結論…………………………………………………………60
第四章 熱處理後對釕電極電化學特性及材料特性的影響……….62
4-1 不同熱處理溫度對釕金屬電極循環伏安行為的探討……62
4-2 老化對不同熱處溫度釕金屬電極的影響…………………72
4-5 結論…………………………………………………………94
第五章 總結與展望………………………………………………….96
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