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研究生(外文):YiHsuan Ting
論文名稱(外文):Distributed Wavelength Routing in WDM Networks Without Using Converters
指導教授(外文):SingLing Lee
  • 被引用被引用:0
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In this paper we focus on routing and wavelength assignment in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) all-optical networks without using wavelength converters. A sequential algorithm, named cost-oriented, is proposed to solve the routing and wavelength assignment problem with the goal to minimize the blocking probability for all-optical networks. The idea of our
algorithm is to select the connection light-path based on the
utility rate of wavelength on each link and the degree of each
node. We define a link cost function to decide the light-path. We also convert the cost-oriented algorithm into a distributed
wavelength routing algorithm. The performance of the cost-oriented routing algorithm is compared with fixed shortest
path and adaptive shortest path. We evaluate cost-oriented
strategy, fixed shortest path strategy and adaptive shortest path strategy for ARPA2 network and NSFnet T1 backbone network.
According to our experiment results, the Cost-Oriented routing
strategy can produce up to 40% performance improvement in the
blocking probability of fixed shortest path strategy. Our routing strategy can also produce up to 2% performance improvement in the blocking probability of adaptive shortest path strategy.

chapter 1.Introduction
chapter 2.Routing Strategy
chapter 3.Distributed Wavelength Routing
chapter 4.Simulation Results
chapter 5.Conclusion
Appendix A

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