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研究生(外文):wen lin wu
論文名稱(外文):Segmentation of Breast Tumor in 3D Ultrasound Images Using Discrete Active Contour Model
外文關鍵詞:breast tumordiscrete active contoursnakeedge informationexternal force
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In this paper, we make use of the discrete active contour model to overcome the natural properties of ultrasound images, speckles, noise, and tissue-related textures, to segment the breast tumors precisely. Before the snake deformation process, a good initial contour is needed and it will make the final contour as close as to the real tumor boundary. However, the manual way to sketch an initial contour is very time-consuming. Thus, we propose an automatic initial contour finding method, which not only maintains the tumor shape but also is close to the tumor boundary and inside the tumor. During the deformation process, in order to prevent the snake trapping into the false position caused by tissues-related textures or speckles, we add the edge information as an image feature to define the external force. Besides, because the three-dimensional volume of a tumor is essentially constructed by a sequence of two-dimensional images, our method for finding boundaries of a tumor can be extended to three-dimensional cases. By precisely counting the volume of the three-dimensional images, we can get the volume of tumor. Finally, we will show that the proposed techniques have rather good performance and lead to satisfactory result in comparison between the estimated volume and physicians.

摘 要i
Chapter 1 Introduction1
Chapter 2 3D Ultrasound, Snake, and Stick Techniques4
2.1Three-dimensional Ultrasound Mammography4
2.1.1 Volume Measurement7
2.1.2 Volume Of Interest9
2.2The Discrete Dynamic Contour Model11
2.2.1 Three Principle Forces11
2.2.2 Vertex Resampling13
2.3Stick Detection Method14
Chapter 3 Automatic Tumor Segmentation and Volume Measurement15
3.1Initial Contour Finding Method15
3.2The Modified Snake Model19
3.3Fast Contour Finding Method21
3.4Contour Detection On Three-dimensional Volume22
Chapter 4 Experiment Results And Discussion25
Chapter 5 Conclusion28

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