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論文名稱(外文):Post Layout Wire Length Minimization Using Global Flow Optimization
指導教授(外文):S. C. Chang
外文關鍵詞:Timing closureTiming constraintsLogic synthesisPhysical layout
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隨著超大型積體電路的設計應用到次微米技術(DSM),設計者時常會發現所設計的電路不能達成時序的需求,而且甚至發現重複執行了幾次邏輯合成和實體合成之後,電路的時序無法收斂 (Timing closure problem)。導致問題的主要原因之一來自於邏輯合成和實體的佈局之間的微弱的相動關係。在傳統的設計流程中,邏輯合成使用簡單導線負載模型(wire load model)估量導線的遲延。另一方面,實體佈局合成後能獲得精確的導線時序資訊,但不能修改電路結構。在次微米技術中要完成高效設計,在邏輯和實體佈局合成工具之間要更緊密的整合是極重要的。

During high performance designs in deep sub-micro (DSM) technology, designers often find that their designs do not meet the timing constraints. And the timing of design does not converge after several iterations between logic and physical synthesis. One of the main causes concerning the timing converge problem is due to the weak interaction between the logic and physical layout optimization tools. In the current design flow, logic synthesis modifies the functionality of a circuit using simple wire load model. In difference, layout synthesis can obtain the accurate timing information but cannot modify the circuit structure. To achieve high performance design, it is imperative to have a much closer integration between logic and layout synthesis tools.
There are two objectives in this thesis. First, we would like to build a framework to link between commercial and public domain tool so that one can plug in their algorithms into the current design flow. To achieve this goal, we intend to construct several parsers to communicate between several different tools. Those ground works, though have little research value but can be very useful for the development of our new ideas between logic and physical synthesis. Secondly, we implement a post layout wire length minimization algorithms to obtain better total wire length and better timing results and to alleviate the timing closure problem. The optimization algorithm is to be iterated between logic and physical domain to meet the design constraint and to reduce the iterations.

1 Introduction -------------------------------------- 1
1.1 A framework to link between commercial tools with public domain synthesis tool. ------------------------------ 4
1.2 Links to layout and post layout logic and physical co-synthesis. ------------------------------------------------- 4
2 Tool parser and placement handler ------------------ 6
2.1 Gate level Verilog generator. --------------------- 8
2.2 Placement information parser. --------------------- 8
2.3 Library parser. ----------------------------------- 9
2.4 New-placement handler. --------------------------- 10
2.5 Static timing analysis tool. --------------------- 11
3 Review of Global Flow Optimization --------------- 13
4 Wire Length Minimization Using Global Flow Optimization ---------------------------------------------- 17
5 Experimental Results ----------------------------- 23
6 Conclusions -------------------------------------- 27
Reference ------------------------------------------------- 28

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