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研究生(外文):Jenn-Kaie Lain
論文名稱(外文):Research on Multiple Access Control with Centralized Resource Allocation Strategies for Wireless Broadband Communicatons
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Horng Wen
外文關鍵詞:Multiple Access ControlTime Division Multiple AccessCode Division Multiple AccessPacket Reservation Multiple Access
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此論文探討應用於整合多媒體無線寬頻通訊系統中媒體擷取控制層之多重擷取技術研究。我們特別將重點放在運用多重擷取技術來達成滿足不同服務需要不同服務品質的要求,其中主要的觀念有兩點 — 即需求式分配(Demand Assignment)觀念與集中式分配(Centralized Assignment)觀念。我們並且成功地利用在時間分割與頻率分割的二維空間上,設計出時間頻率傳訊(Time-Frequency Signaling)技術來實現需求式分配與集中式分配的觀念。藉由需求式分配與集中式分配的觀念與時間頻率傳訊技術,基地台擁有其所管轄區域內所有行動台的頻寬需求,因此,基地台可以根據不同的頻寬分配法則或排程演算法(Scheduling Algorithm)來分配系統頻寬給需要的行動台。此種多重擷取技術的設計觀念與文獻中所提的以封包預約多重擷取(PRMA)為主的方法並不相同。其主要的差異在於本論文中所提的多重擷取技術中,基地台扮演一資源分配的主控者與分配者,而在PRMA系統中則不是如此。藉著完成上述的研究工作與其所顯示出的結果,我們確認本論文所提出的需求式分配、集中式分配、與排程演算法,在搭配時間頻率傳訊技術確實可以成為於未來的寬頻通訊系統中多重擷取技術的重要設計方針。

In the dissertation, we have addressed the MAC scheme at the medium access control layer of the integrated multimedia service wireless networks. In particular, the focus of the dissertation is concentrated on studying MAC schemes constrained to meet QoS requirements by taking advantage of the two concepts — one based on the demand assignment concept and the other based on the centralized resource allocation concept. These two important concepts can be realized and implemented with the so-called time-frequency signaling scheme. In the des-igned systems, the BS has complete knowledge of the bandwidth demand of all the MTs in the system. Thus, the multiple access problem is demand assigned and centralized, in contrast to the systems based on PRMA and its variants where the BS is less active in the allocation of the bandwidth. The scheduling algorithm is also suggested to an efficient tool to solve the traffic congestion when the channel may not be available to certain sources even though they may have information to transmit. By accomplishing these works, we expect these general concepts, including the centralized resource allocation, the demand assignment allocation, and the scheduling algorithm, to reveal the guidelines for the MAC protocol design in the future broadband wireless networks.

List of Tablesx
Lists of Figuresxi
Lists of Abbreviationsxv
1. Introduction1
1.1 Architecture of Wireless Broadband Communication Networks3
1.2 Preliminary Work4
1.2.1 Trends in Forthcoming Wireless Communications4
1.2.2 Packet Reservation Multiple Access6
1.2.3 Scheduling Algorithms7
1.2.4 Centralized Multiple Access Control8
1.3 Origination of the Contents8
2 Multiple Access Communications — A Comprehensive Study11
2.1 Classification of MAC Protocols13
2.2 Fixed Assignment Techniques14
2.3 Random Access Techniques16
2.3.1 ALOHA and its Variants16
2.3.2 Carrier Sense Multiple Access18
2.4 Demand Assignment Techniques20
2.4.1 Polling Systems20
2.4.2 Reservation ALOHA Systems21
2.5 Hybrid-Typed Schemes21
2.5.1 Packet Reservation Multiple Access22
2.5.2 PRMA with Dynamic Assignment25
2.5.3 Packet Reservation Multiple Access with Spread Spectrum31
2.5.4 Priority-Oriented Demand Assignment33
2.5.5 Non-Collision Packet Reservation Multiple Access34
3 Non-Collision Packet Reservation Multiple Access with Dynamic 39 Assignment and Scheduling Algorithm
3.1 NC-PRMA with Dynamic Assignment39
3.1.1 A Protocol for Multimedia Communications39
3.1.2 NC-PRMA/DA with FDD Scheme40
3.1.3 NC-PRMA/DA with STDD Scheme43
3.2 Resource Allocation Algorithm45
3.2.1 Available Time Slot Allocation Algorithm45
3.2.2 Reservation Time Slot Allocation Algorithm46
3.3 SNC-PRMA/DA with FDD or STDD Scheme48
3.4 Assumptions and Measures for Performance Evaluations50
3.4.1 Design Issues of Time-Frequency Signaling Scheme52
3.4.2 Traffic Source Modeling52
3.5 Simulation Results54
3.6 Short Comments57
4 Hybrid-Typed Multiple Access Control Protocol68
4.1 Time-Slotted DS-CDMA Modeling69
4.2 A Previous Joint CDMA/PRMA Protocol72
4.2.1 Basic Features of Joint CDMA/PRMA72
4.2.2 Inherent MAI Variation in Joint CDMA/PRMA72
4.3 The Proposed Joint CDMA/NC-PRMA Protocol73
4.3.1 A Protocol with Centralized Operation73
4.3.2 Frame Structure74
4.3.3 Time-Frequency Signaling Scheme75
4.3.4 Channel Access77
4.3.5 Packet scheduling Policy77
4.4 Packet scheduling Policy77
4.4.1 Load-Balancing (LB) Packet Scheduling Scheme77
4.4.2 Power-Grouping (PG) Packet Scheduling Scheme77
4.5 Performance Evaluation79
4.5.1 Traffic Models79
4.5.2 Design Issues for System Parameters 80
4.5.3 Imperfect Power Control Model84
4.5.4 Performance Measures85
4.6 Simulation Results and Discussions86
4.6.1 Voice-Only Traffic in Single-Cell System87
4.6.2 Mixed Voice/Video Traffic in Single-Cell System88
4.6.3 Voice-Only Traffic in Multi-Cell System90
4.6.4 Voice-Only Traffic in the Presence of Power Control Imperfections91
4.6.5 System Performance in the Presence of Signature Missing92
4.7 Performance Analysis of Joint CDMA/NC-PRMA Protocol 94
4.8 Short Comments102
5 Performance Evaluation of Joint CDMA/NC-PRMA Systems 120 with RAKE Reception and Adaptive Receiver
5.1 System Description120
5.1.1 Transmitter Model120
5.1.2 Channel Model122
5.1.3 Receiver Model123
5.1.4 Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC)126
5.1.5 Equal-Gain Combining (EGC)129
5.2 Performance Evaluation with the Perfect Channel Fading Estimation131
5.3 Performance Evaluation with the Imperfect Channel Fading Estimation133
6 Multiple Access Control for Multiple-Channel Code Division 147 Multiple Access Systems
6.1 Overview of Multi-Channel CDMA Systems147
6.2 Multiple-Channel DS-CDMA System Modeling147
6.3 Multiple Access Control Strategies148
6.3.1 Fixed Channel Assigned (FCA) MAC148
6.3.2 Random Selection Channel Assigned (RSCA) MAC149
6.3.3 Optimized A-Posteriori Expectation Channel Assigned 149 (OAPECA) MAC
6.3.4 Load Balancing Channel Assigned (LBCA) MAC151
6.3.5 Adaptive Permission Channel Assigned (APCA) MAC152
6.4 Traffic Model, System Parameters, and Performance Measures154
6.5 Performance Evaluations under the Perfect Power Control154
6.5.1 FCA, RSCA, OAPECA, and LBCA MAC Schemes 155
6.5.2 OAPECA and APCA MAC Schemes156
6.5.3 Impact of Packet Switching and Indicator Error on LBCA MAC157
6.6 Performance of Power Grouping Channel Assigned MAC 158
6.6.1 Performance degradation in the presence of the imperfect 158 power control
6.6.2 Power Grouping Channel Assigned MAC159
6.7 Integrated Voice/Video Traffic System160
7 Conclusions174
Appendix A. Construction of Non-primitive BCH codes177

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