Because of the technology improved progressively, the microprocessor must be capable of handling more and more data stream. In order to achieve high data processing capability, the architecture of the microprocessor is also improved from the 8-bit instruction operation to the 32-bit instruction operation, and even the 64-bit instruction operation. The microprocessor proposed in this thesis uses a 32-bit architecture based on ARM7TDMI microprocessor, and it will be named RISC32 hereafter. On the other hand, the verification is an important aspect in the chip-level design. FPGA is the general used method to verify the design. We use the demo-board with the chip Vertex800 that belongs to Vertex series of Xilinx Corporation to demonstrate the function of the microprocessor proposed in this thesis. Vertex800 is a FPGA chip with large capacity and it contains close to 880,000 gates. The aim of the thesis is to design the testing platform of RISC32. The user only needs to write the test program and download it from the printer port of PC.