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研究生(外文):Chen Shyh-Yann
論文名稱(外文):The spectra of graphs
外文關鍵詞:spectrumgraphtreen-cuberegular graph
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這篇文章主要是探討一些特殊圖形的譜(spectrum),包括了討論循環圖形(circulant graph)的圖譜、在正規圖形(regular graph)上做一些點線的轉換或運作時其圖譜變化的探討、n-方體(n-cube)圖譜的確定及樹的圖譜的研究。

This thesis is mainly concerned with the spectra of some special graphs. It consists of the discussion of the spectra of circulant graphs, the behaviors of the spectra of graphs derived from some operations on regular graphs, the determination of the spectra of the n-cubes and the investigation of the spectra of trees.

Chapter 1Introduction
Chapter 2Basic definitions and results
Chapter 3Circulant matrices and their applications
3.1Circulant matrices
3.2The spectra of some circulant graphs
Chapter 4Some operations on graphs and the resulting spectra
4.1Line graphs
4.2The complements of graphs
4.3Subdivision graphs
4.4Total graphs
Chapter 5The spectra of trees
5.1Paths and star graphs
5.2The spectra of trees

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