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論文名稱(外文):Hardware Design and Simulation for Digital
指導教授(外文):Ren-Jean Liu
外文關鍵詞:Linear arraycircular arrayMVDRLCMVCorrelation matrixRLSDigital Signal Processor
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語音和無線通訊等。Minimum Variance Distortionless Response
司所生產的TMS320C6x 之數位訊號處理器做為開發工具,來將整

The purpose of adaptive beamforming is to use array sensors to
pick up signals arrived from various directions. The direction of
arrivals (DOA) of different signals is then determined. By
concentrating processing at certain angles of interesting, the system
efficiency can be greatly improved. The applications of beamforming
include radar, sonar, speech and wireless communication. One of the
most popular approaches is of MVDR which is based on optimum
filtering and spectrum analysis. A cost function is first defined and
minimized in order to find the optimal connection weights between the
input signal from the antenna array and beamformer output. The
computation of the inverse correlation matrix and its multiplication
with steering vector are the most important parts in this processes. In a
system that requires high-speed computation, matrix inversion is
among the most time-consuming processes, especially when the
dimensionality is high and matrix is close to singular. Fortunately,
adaptive algorithms are available so that the process can be performed
efficiently in a recursive way. This paper will derive a fast algorithm
for computing inverse correlation matrix in digital beamforming using the famous matrix inversion lemma. We will demonstrate in the
simulation that DOA can be efficiently detected using this approach. In
hardware design, we use the TMS320C6x Digital Signal Processor
from Texas Instrument (TI) to apply the adaptive beamforming in the
development of DSP hardware. This is will facilitate the technique of
adaptive beamforming in wireless communication.

授權書.................. iii
中文摘要 .................iv
英文摘要 .................v
誌謝................... vii
目錄 ...................viii
圖目錄 ..................x
表目錄 ..................x ii
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景 .................1
1.2 研究動機與目的 ..............2
1.3 內容大綱.................3
第二章 適應性波束形成器
2.1 陣列天線信號模式............4
2.2 還形天線信號模式 ............6
2.3 LCMV/MVDR 法則 .............8
2.4 遞迴式更新反矩陣............12
第三章 TMS320C6x 數位訊號數理器
3.1 程式發展流程 ..............15
3.2 TMS320C6x 介紹與處理器架構 .......17
3.3 記憶體分配 ...............18
3.4 DSP/BIOS ................22
3.5 EMIF 實際應用..............25
第四章 模擬結果與硬體實現
4.1 MVDR 法則驗證 .............29
4.2 不同天線數目之影響...........31
4.3 實際量測之天線驗證 ..........37
4.4 硬體實現結果 .............43
第五章 結論與未來展望
5.1 結論................. 47
5.2 未來研究方向............. 48
參考文獻 .................49

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[20]TMS320C6000 DSP/BIOS User's Guide(TI Literature Number : SPRU303)
[21]TMS320C6000 DSP/BIOS Application Programming Interface (API) Reference Guide(TI Literature Number : SPRU403)
[22]TMS320C6000 Programmer's Guide(TI Literature Number : SPRU198)
[23]TMS320C6000 Technical Brief (TI Literature Number : SPRU197)
[24]TMS320C6000 Peripherals Reference Guide (TI Literature Number : SPRU190)
[25]TMS320C6000 Optimizing Compiler User's Guide (TI Literature Number : SPRU187)
[26]TMS320C62c C Source Debugger User’s Guide (TI Literature Number : SPRU188)
[27]Code Composer Studio User's Guide(TI Literature Number : SPRU328)
[28]TMS320C6000 CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide(TI Literature Number : SPRU189)
[29]How to Begin Development Today With the TMS320C6211 DSP(TI Literature Number : SPRA474)
[30]TMS320C6000 EMIF To External Asynchronous SRAM Interface(TI Literature Number : SPRA542)
[31]TMS320C6000 EMIF To External Flash Memory(TI Literature Number : SPRA568)
[32]TMS320C6000 EMIF to External SDRAM/SGRAM Interfance0(TI Literature Number : SPRA433A)
[33]TMS320C6211 Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor(TI Literature Number : SPRS073a)
[34]TMS320C6000 C Compiler: Development Flow(TI Literature Number : SPRA518)
[35]DSPBIOS By Degrees Using DSPBIOS Features in an Existing Application(TI Literature Number : SPRA591)
[36]Implementation of an Adaptive Antenna(TI Literature Number : SPRA532)
[37]TMS320C6000 EMIF: Overview of Support of High Performance Memory Technology(TI Literature Number : SPRA631)
[38]Using DSP/BIOS I/O in Multichannel Systems(TI Literature Number : SPRA689)
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[40]R. Steele "GSM, CDMAOne & 3G system," 2000.
[41]Implementing The TMS320C6201/C6701/C6211 HPI Boot Process(TI Literature Number : SPRA512)

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