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研究生(外文):Lu Mei-hui
論文名稱(外文):Identity Crisis and the Conflict Between Motherhood and Female Subjectivity in Kate Chopin's The Awakening
指導教授(外文):Ren Shyh-Jong
外文關鍵詞:identity crisisthe conflictmotherhoodfemale subjectivitythe theory of the spacefemale selfhoodgender laborthe patriarchal society
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在十九世紀末,新女性思潮的影響下,社會上逐漸蘊釀出一群新女性,這些獨立自主的女性,同時也代表著反叛傳統思潮的力量。《覺醒》因而在這樣的背景下誕生,凱特蕭邦因應她的時代背景, 將父權社會中,女性所遭遇的問題呈現出來,在《覺醒》中,試圖走出家庭限囿的艾德娜,陷於母性與女性自我的衝突中,在醒悟自我的存在後,卻又無法為新生的自我找到明確的定位,最後,艾德娜選擇與大海合而為一,也因而可以擺脫社會規範之桎梏。
第一章簡述《覺醒》這本小說如何從一本禁書到重新受到文壇重視的過程,及介紹空間的理論,並藉著此理論,來討論母性與女性自我之衝突。第二章將藉著凱特蕭邦的生平及文化背景,使讀者更了解覺醒這本小說的情節及人物創造。 第三章將藉著艾德娜的空間經驗,來呈現出父權社會如何挶限女性的空間,公私空間之對立及母性與女性自我的衝突。第四章藉由艾德娜的死來反映出母性與女性主體之對立,在無法擺脫父權社會所建構的女性神話下,艾德娜選擇死於母性大海的懷抱中。

During the late nineteenth century, under the influence of the feminism, a new image of new woman was starting emerging. These independent women also represented a rebelling force against the traditional society. Therefore, The Awakening is created under this literary environment According to her cultural background, Kate Chopin represented some social problems women had encountered in the patriarchal society. In The Awakening, Edna, who attempts to transgress beyond the domestic sphere, is caught in the conflict between the motherhood and female selfhood. However, after seeking for her real identity, Edna seems to lack the abilities to set up a definite concept of their own identities afterwards. Finally, Edna chooses to die in the embrace of the sea.
The first one briefly summarizes the reason why did the contemporary society regard The Awakening as a forbidden book, the critical rediscovery of Chopin’s The Awakening, and the introduction to the theory of the space. By using this theory, I will discuss the conflict between the motherhood and female selfhood. In the second one, I will discuss Kate Chopin’s real life and cultural background to make the readers clearly realize the plot of the story and the creation of the characters. In the third one, Edna’s spatial experience will represent how did the patriarchal society circumscribe the female space, the conflict between the public and private sphere, and the conflict between the motherhood and female selfhood. In the fourth one, Edna’s death reflects the conflict between motherhood and female subjectivity. When Edna couldn’t discard the myth of the motherhood the patriarchal society constructed, death is her best choice. The last part is a brief conclusion.

Tables of Contents
Chapter 1 Background and Introduction--------------------- 1
Chapter 2 Biographical Reference to The Awakening------ 19
Chapter 3 To be or not to be: that’s a question. A heroine who was in such a maze of space couldn’t find a solution to the conflict between the motherhood and female selfhood: Edna---56
Chapter 4 Annihilation or Regeneration----------------------57
Chapter 5 Conclusion--------------------------------------- 72
Works Cited-------------------------------------------------79

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