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研究生(外文):Yih-Ming, Tsuie
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalization: Applications and Performance Analysis
指導教授(外文):Wen-Rong, Wu
外文關鍵詞:DFELMSerror probabilitymultiple trainingbi-directional equalizationconstrainedMLSEcomputational complexity
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另一種常用的等化技術為最大可能序列估測法(MLSE).最大可能序列估測的效能雖較決策回授等化好;但計算複雜度卻很高.最大可能序列估測法通常是以維特比演算法(VA)實現之;而維特比演算法的計算複雜度卻會隨通道長度呈指數形式成長.若以些微的效能損失為代價,一般可利用決策回授等化器來縮短通道響應,藉以降低維特比演算法的計算複雜度.但有時此種組合的運算量仍嫌太高.在本論文的第三部份中,我們為此提出了以限制性決策回授等化器來縮短通道效應,藉以更進一步降低運算複雜度.基本想法是將縮短後的通道係數限制於某些離散值上.此舉可將維特比演算法中所需用於計算分支量度(branch metrics)的乘法運算轉換成位元轉移(bit shift)運算.所減低的運算量,有利於最大可能序列估測法的實際運用.模擬結果顯示,所提之限制性決策回授等化器與最大可能序列估測法的組合不但計算量低,更保有傳統組合絕大部分的效能.最後我們也將上述方法用於延遲決策回授序列估測法(DDFSE),用以偵測訊號間干擾環境下的格狀編碼調變(TCM)訊號.亦是利用限制所縮短通道的係數值來達到延遲決策回授序列估測法中的維特比演算法的實作複雜度.

In digital communication systems, intersymbol interference (ISI)
is one of the main causes degrading system performance. The
decision feedback equalizer (DFE) has been considered a simple yet
effective remedy for this problem. This thesis consists of three
parts. In the first part, we consider the performance analysis of
adaptive DFE. Analysis of the DFE error probability is known to be
a difficult problem. This is primarily due to the nonlinear
operation involved in the decision process. The problem is further
complicated if the DFE is operated in a time-varying channel. In
this case, an adaptive algorithm must be used to track the channel
variation. Then, a decision error not only propagates through the
feedback filter affecting the future outputs, but also through the
adaptive algorithm updating the tap weights toward a wrong
direction. We specifically take this effect into account and
analyze the error probability of the DFE under the slowly fading
channels. We consider the most widely used adaptive algorithm,
namely, the least mean square (LMS) algorithm. Closed-form
expressions are derived for the training mode as well as the
decision-directed mode. The validity of the theoretical results
are verified through computer simulations.
Although the LMS algorithm is simple, its convergence is slow. As
a result, it is not suitable for DFE adaptation in fast varying
channels. In the second part of the thesis, we then propose an
extended multiple-training LMS algorithm accelerating the
convergence process. The convergence properties of the
multiple-training LMS algorithm are also analyzed. We prove that
the multiple-training LMS algorithm can converge regardless its
initial value and derive closed-form expressions for the weight
error vector power. We then apply this algorithm to the IS-136
system. Taking advantage of the IS-136 downlink slot format, we
divide a slot into two subslots. Bi-directional processing is then
applied to each individual subslot. The proposed LMS-based DFE has
a low computational complexity and is suitable for real-world
implementation. Simulations with a 900MHz carrier show that our
algorithm can meet the 3% bit error rate (BER) requirement for
mobile speeds up to 100 km/hr.
Another commonly used equalization method is called the maximum
likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE). The MLSE can outperform the
DFE, however, its computational complexity is higher. The MLSE is
usually implemented by the Viterbi algorithm (VA). The
computational complexity of the VA grows exponentially with the
length of the channel response. With some performance reduction, a
decision-feedback equalizer (DFE) can be used to shorten the
channel response reducing the computational requirement for the
VA. However, for many real-world applications, the complexity of
the DFE/MLSE approach may be still too high. In the third part of
the thesis, we propose a constrained DFE further reducing the
computational complexity of the VA. The basic idea is to pose some
constraints on the DFE such that the postcursors of the shortened
channel response have only discrete values. As a result, the
multiplication operations can be replaced by shift operations making the VA almost multiplication free. This will greatly
facilitate the real world applications of the MLSE algorithm.
Simulation results show that while the proposed algorithm remains
almost the original MLSE performance, the VA is much more
efficient than the conventional approach. Finally, we consider the
delayed decision-feedback sequence estimation (DDFSE) for
detection of the trellis coded modulation (TCM) signal in presence
of the intersyombol interference (ISI). We use the constrained DFE
to shape the channel response such that the post cursors have
discrete values. This greatly reduces the implementation
complexity of the VA involved in the DDFSE.

1. Introduction
2. Error Probability Analysis of Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizers under Slowly Fading Multipath Channels
2.1 Problem Description
2.2 The Training Mode Error Analysis
2.3 The Decision-Directed Mode Error Analysis
2.4 Simulation Results
2.5 Chapter Summaries
3. An LMS-based Decision Feedback Equalizer for IS-136 Receivers
3.1 The Multiple-Training LMS Algorithm
3.2 The Proposed LMS-based Algorithm
3.3 Simulation Results
3.4 Chapter Summaries
4. A Constrained Decision Feedback Equalizer for Reduced Complexity Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation
4.1 System Model and Conventional DFE/MLSE
4.2 The Proposed Algorithm
4.3 DDFSE wiht the proposed DFE
4.4 Simulation Results
4.5 Chapter Summaries
5 Conclusions and Further Studies
A Derivation of (2.45)
B Derivation of (2.46)
Publication List

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