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論文名稱(外文):Analyzing the Optimal Cooperative Advertising Participation Rate under Different Channel Structure
外文關鍵詞:cooperative advertisingchannel competitiongame theory
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合作廣告在傳統通路和某些產品類別的行銷專案中一直扮演著重要的角色。其不但是許多製造商的宣傳預算的一個重要方針(Bergen and John 1997),也構成零售商廣告預算中的重要部分。台灣此方面發展,雖然受限於地域與市場,其推行歷史不如歐美等先進國家長,但合作廣告在實務上確實已存在於一些跨國企業及大型連鎖商的政策中。
Cooperative advertising plans feature prominently in marketing programs in conventional channel and make the majority of marketing funds in some product categories. It is not only an important aspect of many manufactures’ promotional budgets, but also constitute a significant fraction of retailers’ advertising budgets. Since the restraint of region and market size, the development of cooperative advertising plans in Taiwan is not as popular as developed countries. It has been certainly existed in some multinational corporations and chain stores’ marketing policy.
With the trend of internationalization and the rise of regional cooperative unions, enterprises would face with various of local conditions and customs as well as different culture trait. Therefore, besides many-faceted management, the advertising technique of different region is required; especially people today put great emphasis on package and marketing skills. As contrast with other channel coordination mechanisms such as vertical integration, simple contracts, implicit understandings, profit sharing, quantity discounts and so on, the cooperative advertising would be more and more important. However, this subject is outside of the realm of marketing study that has so far appeared in domestic literature. So we try to explore this issue preliminarily.
Moreover, recently there have been many revolutions in the marketing distribution. The appearance of superstore and the chain store changes the leader position of the manufacturer, and the relationship among the channel members becomes more complicated. In this paper we develop a generalized model by employing game theory to investigate the optimal cooperative advertising participation rates under introducing the conception of channel competition and product differentiation into cooperative advertising. We also discuss the influence of differentiation and advertising effect. It shows that:
1. In differentiation aspect, as products are less differentiated, cooperative adverting participation rate increase; the manufacture profits would increase while the retailer profits would decrease. The manufacture profits would decrease as stores are more differentiated.
2. In advertising effect aspect, with advertising effect increase, the manufacture has more incentive to raise cooperative adverting participation rate, then the retailer profits would increase. At the same time, cooperative adverting participation rate would decrease in monopoly common retailer channel while increase in monopoly manufacture channel.
3. If the manufacture doesn’t design a administrative mechanism when he has more incentive to raise cooperative adverting participation rate, he would add the competitor’s sales and profits inadvertently.
Finally, managerial implications of the results are derived and some suggestions for future research are offered.
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節研究背景與動機 1
第二節研究目的 6
第三節模型推導 38
第四章分析與討論 54
第一節 差異化影響 55
第二節 廣告效果影響 59
第三節 合作廣告率影響 62
第五章結論與建議 65
第一節 研究發現與建議 66
第二節 研究限制 70
第三節 未來研究方向 71
參考文獻 73
圖 次 目 錄
圖一 研究流程圖 7
圖二 論文架構圖8
圖三 競爭的形式21
圖四 通路結構圖24
圖五 理想模型圖 70
表 次 目 錄
表一 合作廣告V.S其他相似之名詞18
表二 合作廣告與其他相似名詞之差異19
表三 通路結構之介紹與文獻之比較22
表四 MS、VN、RS模型之權力結構分析26
表五 各參數與變數之變動關係 52
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