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研究生(外文):Chun-Chieh Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Construction of Electronic Stores from the Perspective of Web Consumer Buying Process
指導教授(外文):Han-Yuh Liu
外文關鍵詞:Electronic CommerceElectronic StoreBuying ProcessOnline Shopping
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The development of e-commerce changes the scene of traditional business, and creates the potential of business. It also makes electronic stores a new marketing channel of industry. The well planning to the construction of e-stores will help the enterprise to have good performance in the new marketing channel. Due to the difference of consumer buying behavior between the e-store and traditional store, the enterprises have to consider the buying process of web consumer, and it can help make friendly environment of web shopping.
And form the perspective of web buying process to consider the construction guide line of e-stores. In the section of examples, this study figures the construction guide line of e-stores by the observation to the construction of both international and domestic e-stores.
According to the result of this study, it could be suggested three main stage include eight processes in the construction of e-store. In "need identification" process, e-stores should pay attention to the design of homepage and the practice of their promotion, as well as to provide the conduct of effective shopping; In "Product information search" process, they should prepare well display of the products and classification. In addition to offer the search engine; In "comparison of product" process, they have to provide the intelligent agents to assist their customer to make buying decision, and give inventory information; In "negotiation of terms" process, they should provide various terms of payment and shipping methods to customers; In "placement of order" process, they should have the flexibility for the modification of orders, and integrate related operation systems; In "receipt of product and pay" process, they should surely know the delivery status of shipment for customer inquiry; In "problem solving of post-purchase" process, FAQs and service center should be supplied. They should be able to deal with all the problems efficiently and be active to notice the demand of customers; In "feedback of users" process, they should take use of positive evaluation from their customers, and establish the virtual community to attract the number of customers.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景……………………………………………………1
1.2 研究動機……………………………………………………3
1.3 研究目的……………………………………………………4
1.4 研究範圍與限制……………………………………………4
1.5 研究架構與方法……………………………………………7
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 電子商務與電子商店之發展………………………………9
2.1.1 電子商務的定義………………………………………9
2.1.2 電子商務的應用範疇…………………………………10
2.1.3 電子商店的形成與發展趨勢…………………………11
2.1.4 電子商店的特性與優勢………………………………13
2.2 電子商店的規劃與設計……………………………………16
2.2.1 電子商店的規劃步驟…………………………………16
2.2.2 電子商店內容設計……………………………………18
2.2.3 電子商店的交易流程…………………………………19
2.3 網路消費者購買過程………………………………………20
2.3.1 網路購物與傳統購物的差異…………………………20
2.3.2 購買過程階段模式……………………………………22
2.3.3 消費者角度的商業行為模式…………………………23
2.3.4 六階段購買過程………………………………………25
2.3.5 網路消費者購買過程…………………………………26
第三章 網路購買過程與電子商店的構建
3.1 購買前準備階段……………………………………………29
3.1.1 確認消費需求…………………………………………30
3.1.2 產品資訊蒐尋與參考…………………………………31
3.1.3 產品選購與比較………………………………………34
3.2 交易階段……………………………………………………35
3.2.1 交易條件協商…………………………………………36
3.2.2 下單購買………………………………………………37
3.2.3 交貨與付款……………………………………………38
3.3 購買後互動階段……………………………………………39
3.3.1 售後問題處理…………………………………………39
3.3.2 使用心得回饋…………………………………………41
第四章 標竿個案探討
4.1 確認消費者的需求…………………………………………43
4.1.1 首頁設計………………………………………………43
4.1.2 有效的購物引導………………………………………43
4.1.3 促銷手法的運用………………………………………44
4.2 產品資訊蒐尋與參考………………………………………45
4.2.1 良好的商品展示………………………………………45
4.2.2 適當的產品分類………………………………………45
4.2.3 產品蒐尋引擎的運用…………………………………46
4.3 產品選購與比較……………………………………………46
4.3.1 決策支援功能…………………………………………46
4.3.2 存貨資訊的提供………………………………………47
4.4 交易條件協商………………………………………………47
4.5 下單購買……………………………………………………48
4.6 交貨與付款…………………………………………………48
4.7 售後問題處理………………………………………………48
4.7.1 FAQs的提供……………………………………………48
4.7.2 服務台與客服中心的設置……………………………49
4.7.3 處理顧客問題的反應能力……………………………49
4.8 使用心得回饋………………………………………………49
4.8.1 使用者的建議…………………………………………49
4.8.2 虛擬社群的運用………………………………………50
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 消費需求的確認……………………………………………53
5.2 產品資訊蒐尋與參考………………………………………54
5.3 產品選購與比較……………………………………………55
5.4 交易條件協商………………………………………………55
5.5 下單購買……………………………………………………56
5.6 交貨與付款…………………………………………………56
5.7 售後問題處理………………………………………………57
5.8 使用心得回饋………………………………………………57
5.9 本研究之貢獻………………………………………………58
5.10 後續研究建議…………………………………………… 58
參考文獻………………………………………………………… 60
附錄一 國內電子商店相關研究……………………………… 65
附錄二 標竿案例網頁圖示…………………………………… 67
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