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研究生(外文):Hang Ming chang
論文名稱(外文):Study of Environment Education Teaching Materiade Infused in Elementary Science Textbooks
指導教授(外文):Shin ming chin
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This study applied national curricula standard concerning the indicators of environmental education abilities to analyze all contemporary elementary science textbooks, practice books and teaching guidebooks by content analysis method. The analysis were focused on the five domains of environmental education such as environmental awareness, sensitivity, knowledge, value and attitude, skill and experience. The total samples were 52 volumes of textbooks, 52 volumes of practice books and 52 volumes of teaching guidebooks. Moreover, the researcher employed semi-structural interview to gather more reliable information from the in-service teachers.
The result revealed that the prevailing domains were environmental awareness and sensitivity in all publishers. The other domains were environmental skill, knowledge and value and attitude ordered sequentially by their prevaility. All publishers provided less information towards environmental experience domain. Different publishers had different focuses on these five domains. For example, National publisher put more emphasis on the domain of environmental skill, and NanYi publisher emphasized the domain of value and attitude, Newton publisher was dominant on knowledge, value and attitude. KanShang publisher paid more attention on every domain equally.
According to the frequency of usage among different publishers in Hualien County, the most frequently used publisher in the first, the third, and the fifth grades was KanShan Publisher. Meanwhile, the most frequently used publisher in the fourth grade was the National Edition Publisher, yet other publishers were still used by some elementary schools in Hualien County.
The new curricula standard will begin in September 2001 and the elementary teachers have to design teaching activities to meet the national curricula standard and enhance conceptual learning. Thus, in the future, elementary school teachers must have the ability of analyzing and integrating different information. Besides, in choosing science textbooks, teachers must not only take the content of textbook into account, but also integrate the environmental issues into the related learning and daily life.
Keywords: Elementary school science textbook, content analysis, environmental education.
目 錄
第一章緒論 ………………………………………………….……………...….1
第一節研究動機 .……………………………………………………..1
第二節研究目的 .……………………………………………………..4
第三節待答問題 .……………………………………………………..4
第四節名詞釋義 .……………………………………………………..5
第五節研究範圍與限制 .……………………………………………..6
第二章文獻探討 .…………………..…………………………………………..9
第一節國小環境教育課程模式與目標 .………………………...…..9
一 國小環境教育課程模式 .………………………………..…..9
二 國小環境教育課程目標 .…………………...……………...11
第三節自然科教科書內容分析之相關研究 .……...………..….….20
一 國內部分 .……...………………….………….………….…20
二 國外部分 .……...………………….………….………….…21
一 環境覺知與敏感度 .……….……...………….………..……23
二 環境概念知識 .….…….……...………………………………24
三 環境價值觀與態度 .……….……...…………………..….…25
四 環境行動技能 .……….……...……………………….…..…26
五 環境行動經驗 .……….…………………...………….…..…27
第五節總結 .………………………….……………..……..….….….28
第三章研究方法 .…………………………...…………………..………..……31
第一節內容分析法 .…………………………...………..……..…….31
第二節信度與效度 .…………………………...…………..…….…..35
第三節資料分析 .………….………………...……….……..…….....41
第四節研究樣本 .………….………………...……….………..….....42
第五節研究流程 .…………….……………...…………..………......43
第四章研究結果與發現 .…………………………...………………..….…….45
一 整體性分析 .…………………………...………………...….….45
二 各年級分析 .…………………………...………………..…..….50
一 整體性分析 .…………………………...………………..…..….60
二 各年級分析 .…………………………...………………..…..….64
一 整體性分析 .…………………………...………………..…..….73
二 各年級分析 .…………………………...………………..…..….77
一 國立編輯館 .…………………………...………………..…..….86
二 南一出版社 .…………………………...………………..…..….87
三 新學友出版社 .…………………………...………………..…...87
四 康軒出版社 .…………………………...……………………….88
五 牛頓出版社 .…………………………...…………………..…...89
六 翰林出版社 .…………………………...…………………..…...89
第六節花蓮市近郊各國小所使用自然科教科書版本調查 ...…...….94
第五章結論與建議 .….………………………...…………………….……….…97
第一節結論 ...…………………………...…………………….……..….97
參考文獻 ..…………………………...………………………………….………102
附 錄 .………………….………...…………………………...………………..109
附錄一 國民中小學九年一貫課程環境教育分段能力指標 .………….109
附錄三 國小自然科教師訪談稿 .…………………………...……….…130
附錄四 各版本自然科教科書所含環境教育教材統計表 .……………..135
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