Retailing is the edge of market intermediary. Retailers facilitate products and services to final consumers via different format, and sustain in rapid changes of consumer tastes and preferences. Since the President Group partnered with Southern Company of U.S.A. in 1979, the trend in retailing industry had changed to a chain connected, international, and informational perspective. With the new perspective in retailing and people’s tendency of entrepreneurship in Taiwan, the chain store retailing franchise had grown faster than we ever expected. Along with the enlargement in chain store franchise system, the uncovering of market knowledge is a “higher order” resource and we introduce it as independent variable. Furthermore, innovation is becoming increasingly important as a means of survival, thus, we empirically test and substantiate innovation’s mediating role in the market knowledge management-organizational performance relationship. To summarize, our results indicate that “market knowledge management” consists of seven factors-market knowledge objectified, market knowledge dissemination, responsiveness, market knowledge flow, market knowledge recognition, market knowledge generation, and market knowledge conceptualization. For the chain store retailing franchise, we explored the role of innovations (technical versus administrative) cannot be in the assumed market knowledge management-organizational performance relationship. However, our study provides some support that practitioner pay more attention to administrative innovations than technical innovations. Also, administrative innovations have a positive, direct impact on performance.