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研究生(外文):Chin-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the effects of several kinds of preservatives on vase life of carnation .Chrysanthemum and Oncidium
指導教授(外文):Wen-Shaw ChenLi-Jen Liao
外文關鍵詞:preservativescut flowervase lifeanthocyaninethylene
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在BA和蔗糖對康乃馨切花保鮮的效用之實驗中,在所有溶液皆含有200 mg L-1的HQS的情況下,先以50mg L-1的BA(6-benzylaminopurine)溶液處理24小時之後,接著插入於含有40 g L-1或80 g L-1蔗糖的HQS溶液,探討整個過程對康乃馨的瓶插壽命、花青素濃度和乙烯產生的影響。單獨以HQS處理之對照組的瓶插壽命為10天。以BA短暫處理24小時後,接著置於含有40 g L-1和80 g L-1蔗糖的HQS溶液,其瓶插壽命分別延長到17和15天。而若持續以含40 g L-1和80 g L-1蔗糖的HQS溶液處理,其瓶插壽命分別有14和13天。若先單獨給予BA而後瓶插於HQS溶液,其切花壽命有14天。持續給予蔗糖的處理或在BA短暫處理後,接著置於含有40 g L-1或80 g L-1蔗糖的HQS溶液中,可大幅地增加花的直徑。除此之外,與對照組的單獨以HQS處理比較起來,單獨短暫給予BA或BA短暫處理後,接著置於含有40 gL-1和80 g L-1蔗糖的HQS溶液,可稍微增加花青素的濃度。但若持續以含蔗糖40 g L-1或80 g L-1的HQS
短暫給予BA或BA短暫處理後,接著置於含蔗糖的HQS溶液的狀況都來的好;但是在延長康乃馨切花的壽命方面,單獨短暫給予BA或BA短暫處理後,接著置於含蔗糖的HQS溶液的方式卻比持續處以含40 g L-1或80 g L-1蔗糖的HQS溶液之處理更為有效。
硫酸鋁(Aluminum sulfate)對菊花切花之影響研究,其濃度在50-200 mg L-1之間對延長菊花切花瓶插壽命與維持鮮花品質均有效用。本研究之所有硫酸鋁濃度處理,都會增加菊花切花的瓶插壽命,尤其以濃度150 mg L-1之效果最佳。而硫酸鋁濃度為150 mg L-1時,也會增大花的直徑。
而在,kinetin與激勃素(gibberellic acid)對文心蘭切花之影響的研究中發現,kinetin 50 mg L-1加上蔗糖40g L-1,與分別單獨處以蔗糖或Kinetin相比起來,其維持鮮花瓶插壽命較為有效。以Kinetin短暫處理後,接著置於蔗糖溶液的方式比持續以kinetin加蔗糖同時處理的情況,更能延長文心蘭鮮花的壽命。而激勃素(GA3)對延長文心蘭切花壽命之效果不顯著。另單獨以蔗糖處理可明顯地抑制乙烯之產生。在與蔗糖處理相比較,kinetin+蔗糖、kinetin+GA3+蔗糖和GA3+蔗糖處理的組合方式均會稍微引發乙烯之產生。
Preservatives are used to improve the quality of cut flowers during postharvest storage-transportation and vase period. We studied how preservatives affect vase life、color expression and ethylene production in several cut flowers.
Part Ⅰ:The effect of BA(6-benzylaminopurine)pulse at 50 mgL-1 followed by continuous sucrose treatment at 40 or 80 mg L-1,all solutions containing HQS (8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate) at 200 mg L-1,on the flower longevity, anthocyanin concentration and ethylene production in cut carnation(Dianthus caryophyllus L. cv. Candy)flowers was assessed. HQS was used as controls. Flower longevity was significantly extended for about 17- and 15-day in a BA pulse for 24 hours followed by sucrose at 40 or 80 mgL-1, respectively. Flower longevity in continuous sucrose at 40 or 80 mg L-1 was 14- and 13-day,respectively, in comparison to 10 days for HQS controls. A BA pulse alone maintained the vase life about 14 days after vase treatments. Continuous sucrose treatments or BA pulse followed by sucrose either at 40 or 80 mg L-1 in vase solution greatly increased flower diameter. In addition, BA pulse alone or BA pulse followed by sucrose at 40 or 80 mgL-1 slightly increased anthocyanin concentrations as compared with HQS controls. Anthocyanin concentrations were unchanged by treatments with continuous sucrose treatment at either 40 or 80 mgL-1. Although sucrose inhibited ethylene production more than a BA pulse followed by sucrose or a BA pulse
alone, the latter prolongating shelf of carnation flowers more than that of sucrose either at 40 or 80 mgL-1.
Part Ⅱ:The effect of aluminum sulfate, in a wide range of concentrations(50-200 mgL-1),on the vase life and flower quality in Chrysanthemum(cv. Show Fen)was investigated. All aluminum sulfate concentrations increased the vase life of cut Chrysanthemum flowers, especially concentration at 150 mgL-1. Aluminum sulfate at 150 mgL-1 also greatly improved flower diameter. Aluminum sulfate retarded water loss and maintained water uptake in comparison to water controls. The fresh mass of cut Chrysanthemum flowers in Aluminum sulfate treatment during vase treatment was maintained at higher level than of water controls.
Part Ⅲ:Cut Oncidium flower s were kept in open solutions. Kinetin at 50 mgL-1 plus sucrose at 40 mgL-1 appeared to be more efficient in maintaining flower longevity was longer with a kinetin pulse followed by sucrose treatment than a continuous kinetin plus sucrose treatments. Gibberellic acid(GA3)had little effect on keeping flower longevity in Oncidium. Ethylene production was inhibited by the presence of sucrose. However, ethylene production was slightly stimulated by treatments of kinetin or GA3 alone as compared with HQS(8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate)controls. Similarly, ethylene production in kinetin plus sucrose, kinetin plus GA3 plus sucrose and GA3 plus sucrose was slightly enhanced compared with sucrose alone.
英文摘要………………………………………. Ⅲ
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前言…. …………………………………………. 1
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