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研究生(外文):Tai-liang Wu
論文名稱(外文):The Structures of Loanwords from English
指導教授(外文):Raung-fu Chung
外文關鍵詞:transliterationloan translationhybridcalqueborrowing word
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本文研究主要是在分析借自英語的外來語之結構類型,並與漢語詞彙結構做比較。本文大多數的語料是選自外來語辭典和新詞辭典。經過語料分析之後,我們發現共有26個外來語的詞彙結構。其中,只有五個外來語結構與漢語的詞彙結構相似。包括有:1. 偏正結構;2. 動賓結構;3. 縮略語中的關鍵字組成結構;4. 縮略語中的字首加類名的結構;5. 形聲結構。此外,本文研究的主要發現可分四個部分。
1. 就語音而言:
a. 每個英語語音會被具有發音方式或部位相似的漢語語音來代替。
b. 在音譯詞中,有些詞具有音素結構限制規則。
c. 大多數的外來詞有雙音節化的傾向。
2. 就構詞而言:
a. 許多化學名詞是利用形聲結構來構詞的。
b. 許多混合詞是由音譯詞、義譯詞、類名及英文字母來相混合組成。
c. 許多混合字的義譯詞素和類名詞均可視為中心成分。
3. 就語法而言:
a. 不管外來語是由幾個漢字所組成的,均視為單純詞。
b. 大多數的外來語是屬於名詞。
4. 就語意而言:
a. 義譯詞是指以意義來對譯但具有漢語構詞結構。
b. 在混合詞,義譯成分或類名出現在字尾時,常帶有重要意義。他們具有補充說明其它組成成分的功用。
The present study is aimed at comparing the morphological structures Mandarin Chinese with the structures of Loanwords borrowed from English. Most data in the data analysis is mainly adopted from some loanword dictionaries and new word dictionaries. There are twenty-six structures of loanwords found in the data analysis. In the comparison, only five kinds of loanword structures that are similar to those of Mandarin Chinese while other types of structures of loanwords are obviously different from any sort of structure of the Mandarin Chinese word.
As for the similarities, the five structures that can be found in both Mandarin words and loanwords are:
A. Modifier-Head Construction
B. Predicate-Object Construction
C. Abbreviation: Keyword selection
D. Abbreviation: The first morpheme selection + a semantic category
E. Phonetic Compound Construction
Regarding the disparities, the eleven subtypes of structures that are very different from the structures of Mandarin Chinese are:
A. Pure Transliteration
B. Transliteration with Added Syllables
C. Transliteration of Acronym
D. Transliteration with a Semantic Category
E. A Semantic Category + Transliteration
F. Loan Translation Preceding Transliteration
G. English Morpheme + Transliteration
H. Chinese Morpheme Preceding English Morpheme
I. Mixing of English Formative & Chinese Formative
J. English Word Without any Change
K. Word Formed by English Letters with Chinese Meaning
In addition, the major findings of the study are divided into four parts and presented as follows:
A. Phonetic Aspect
1. Each English phoneme in loanwords can be replaced by
different corresponding phonemes which have the same or
similar place or manner of
2. There are some phonotatic rules that may occur in
transliterated words.
3. Most loanwords are affected by "disyllabification."
B. Morphological Aspect
1. Many chemical terms borrowed from English are usually
translated by phonetic compounds.
2. Most words are included in hybrid loanwords which consist
of two different sorts of components including
transliterated constituents, loan translations, semantic
categories and English letters.
3. In many hybrid loanwords, the meaning-translated
constituents, e.g. loan translations and semantic categories
always function as the centers or heads of the loan words.
C. Syntactic Aspect
1. Some English words may contain more than one syllable and
when they are borrowed into Mandarin Chinese, they are
often represented by characters. However, no matter how many
syllables or morphemes it may have, it will be regarded as
just a simple word.
2. As for the syntactic categories are concerned, most
loanwords are nominal words.
D. Semantic Aspect
1. Most loanshifts are translated according to their meanings,
and they are represented by words with structures of
Mandarin Chinese.
2. Most hybrids are composed of two elements, one of which may
be word-final semantic category or loan translation, which
can carry the major meaning. The semantic categories or loan
translations always specify the others constituents in the
hybrid loanwords.
LIST OF TABLES...............................................i
LIST OF FIGURES..............................................iv
LIST OF DIAGRAM.............................................. v
1.1 Background and Motivation..................................1
1.2 Purposes of the study......................................9
1.3. Scope of the Study.......................................10
1.4 Significance of the Study.................................10
1.5 Definition of Terms.......................................11
1.6 Limitations of the Study..................................17
1.7 Note on Symbols...........................................19
1.8 Organization of the Study.................................19
2.1 Introduction..............................................20
2.2 The Morphology of Modern Mandarin Chinese.................20
2.2.1 The Character "zi" and Word "ci" in Mandarin Chinese....21 The Character "zi"(字)................................21 The Word "ci"(詞).....................................25 Types of Morphemes in Mandarin Chinese.............26 Types of Words in Mandarin ........................31
2.2.2 The Morphological Structures of Words Mandarin Chinese..37
2.3 Comparison of Syllable Structures of English and Mandarin.55
2.3.1 Consonants Systems of English and Mandarin..............55 English Consonants....................................55 Mandarin Consonants...................................59 Comparison of English and Mandarin Consonants.........60
2.3.2 Vowel Systems of English and Mandarin...................64 English Vowels........................................64 Mandarin Vowels.......................................65 Comparison of Vowels in English and Mandarin..........65
2.3.3 Syllable Structures of English and Mandarin.............68 Syllable Structure of English.........................68 Syllable Structure of Mandarin.......................70 Comparison of the Syllable Structures of Mandarin and
3.1 Introduction..............................................79
3.2 Data Collection...........................................79
3.3 Procedures................................................83
3.4 Data Analysis.............................................85
4.1 Introduction..............................................86
4.2 The Scope of Loanwords in Mandarin Chinese................86
4.3 Reasons for the Borrowing of Words........................89
4.4 Structures of Loanwords...................................90
4.4.1 Transliteration.........................................91 Pure Transliteration.................................106 Transliteration with Added Syllables.................107 Transliteration with Deleted Syllables...............109 Transliteration of Acronym...........................110 Phonetic Compound....................................111
4.4.2 Loanshift (Semantic Loan)..............................114 Pure Loanshift.......................................115 Loan Translation.....................................117 Loan Translation Constructed by Free Morphemes.....117 Loan Translation Constructed by Free & Bound
Morphemes..........................................118 Loan Translation with Morphemes Opposite to
English Morphemes in.Order.........................119 Loanshift with a Semantic Category...................120 Loanshift with the Contracted Form...................121
4.4.3 Hybrid Loanword........................................122 Transliteration with a Semantic Category.............122 Transliteration + a Semantic Category..............122 A Semantic Category + Transliteration..............123 Transliteration with the Contracted Form + a Semantic
Category...........................................124 Transliteration of Acronym + a Semantic Category...126 Loanblend............................................128 Transliteration Preceding Loan Translation.........128 Loan Translation Preceding Transliteration.........130 Transliteration Between Two Loan Translations......131 Combination of Transliteration & Loan Translation..132 Loanblend with a Semantic Category...................134 English Morpheme with Chinese Morpheme...............135 English Morpheme + Loanshift.......................136 English Morpheme + Transliteration.................137 Chinese Morpheme Preceding English Morpheme........137 Mixing of English Formative & Chinese Formative....138
4.4.4 Direct Loanword........................................139 English Word Without any Change......................140 Word Formed by English Letters with
Chinese Meaning......................................142
4.5 Summary..................................................143
5.1 Introduction.............................................149
5.2 Main Findings of the Study...............................149
5.2.1 Phonetic Aspect.....................................149
5.2.2 Morphological Aspect................................150
5.2.3 Syntactic Aspect....................................151
5.2.4 Semantic Aspect.....................................152
5.3 Implications of the Study................................152
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research.........................154
Table 2.1 Classification of English Consonants................24
Table 2.2 Classification of Mandarin Consonants...............59
Table 2.3 Vowel Chart of English..............................64
Table 2.4 Vowel Chart of Mandarin.............................65
Table 2.5 Comparison of the Syllable Structure................74
Table 2.6 Mandarin Tones......................................76
Table 4.1 The Structures of Loanwords........................144
Table 4.2 The Structures of Mandarin Chinese Words...........145
Table 4.3 The Word-structures that are Different from Those
in Mandarin Chinese................................148
Diagram 2.1 Syllable Structure of English.....................69
Diagram 2.2 Syllable Structure of Mandarin....................70
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