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論文名稱(外文):Physico-chemical properties of various variety of sweet potato in Taiwan
指導教授:林貞信 老師
指導教授(外文):Lin, J., Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:scanning electron microscopy (SEM)texture profile analysis(TPA)texture
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在烘烤加工方面,經不同儲存時間的甘藷(0,14, 28, 42和 56天),以100℃,3小時進行烘烤,並以TPA及掃描式電子顯微鏡,測定質地的改變及觀察組織的微細結構,結果發現硬度、咀嚼性、粘著性、膠性顯著的降低,彈性增加。以SEM觀察,發現蜂窩狀的凝膠產生。
Eating quality, processing suitability of sweet potato roots is largely affected by their physicochemical properties. For studies relationship of sweet potato and processing, therefore, fifteen varieties were selected as representative to compare physicochemical properties and amylolytic enzyme activity and to search which factor determines the textural characteristics of baked sweet potato.
Be used of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in this experiment and observed the cell microstructure of raw sweet potato. The starches have round, polygonal and irregularly shaped granules with axes of 5-30μm. Cell wall thickness was about 40-85m and different clearly of all varieties. Texture properties were evaluated by measurements of texture profile analysis(TPA) and the results indicate the hardness、chewiness、adhesiveness、springiness、gumminess have significantly difference of raw. Showed to they have different texture properties on un-process.
The cultivars TN-64 and Xiamen displayed high α- and β-amylase activities, which rose from low levels to peak levels 28 days into the storage period. The lines TN-69, c82, Red Kernel (RK) displayed low α- and β-amylase activities. All the sweet potato roots was baked at 100℃ for 3 hour after 0,14, 28, 42, 56day room storage. Changes in texture were evaluated by measurements of TPA and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observed the cell structure of baked. The hardness chewiness、adhesiveness、gumminess were decreased and springiness increased after baked. In SEM analysis, when heating was achieved; pinholes and spongy-like structures were observed in parenchyma cells while folded gelatinized granules remained. The cross-linked structures formed by the starch on baking are interrupted from place to place by the amylolysis causing an enlargement of the alveolus.
Large amount of starch contained in most sweet potatoes would convert into maltose and dextrin during baking leading to a significant textural change. These results indicate the amylase activity and starch granules during heating have an important role in the high reducing sugar lines. Especially β-amylase activity had much different among the test varieties. At least sweet potato germplasm can be separated into three general classes based on amylase activity and texture change during baked. (1) Low amylase activity/ hard texture (2) high amylase activity/softness texture (3) middle type.
Key words:scanning electron microscopy (SEM)、texture profile analysis(TPA)、texture
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英文摘要--------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ誌 謝----------------------------------------------------Ⅴ
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